Bank of Qingdao: Through party building and co-construction activities, a new chapter in Shinan Finance is jointly written


On March 11, the District Local Financial Supervision Bureau and the Shinan Sub-branch of the Bank of Qingdao held a party day event with the theme of “emancipating the mind and blazing new trails, implementing a new chapter in the ‘Three Basics’ spectrum”. Led by the party building to play a role in finance, promote business development, use the party building work as a link to open up channels for mutual communication and business connection, and effectively transform the results of party building into financial services.

At the beginning of the event, all party members visited the smart branch of Bank of Qingdao Shinan Branch. Manager Wei Xinran of the Shinan Sub-branch of the Bank of Qingdao gave a comprehensive explanation of Shandong’s first “5G+ecological” smart bank. Adhering to the concept of “Finance + Technology + Scenario”, Qingdao Bank Shinan Sub-branch has created the province’s first cross-border new finance and new scenario comprehensive financial new format, empowering financial services with technology, and bringing ideals into reality.

By watching the promotional video of Bank of Qingdao Shinan Branch, I fully understood the financial business card created by Qingdao Bank Shinan Branch with sincerity and dedication. The party building brand “Love Space Camp” takes love as its furnace and continues to heat up, making it a warm bank.

Subsequently, Wang Rong, Secretary of the Party Branch of Shinan Sub-branch of Bank of Qingdao, made an opening speech, and welcomed everyone on behalf of the Party Branch of Shinan Branch of Bank of Qingdao. Shinan Sub-branch of Bank of Qingdao has always insisted on tempering first-class skills and style with first-class party building and building a first-class team. It hopes to use party building and joint construction as a guide to in-depth cooperation with the District Local Financial Supervision Bureau to seek win-win and common development.

Facing the party flag, all party members revisited the oath of joining the party. Accepting the baptism of the soul under the party banner, the sonorous and powerful oaths demonstrate the responsibilities and responsibilities of party members and cadres, and strengthen the belief in serving the people unswervingly.

Then, Managers Qiu Jie and Manager Wei Xinran of the Shinan Sub-branch of the Bank of Qingdao introduced the basic situation of the Shinan Sub-branch of the Bank of Qingdao. Carried out special salons on characteristic companies and retail products, introduced wealth management products and their advantages from the perspective of enterprises and individuals, and shared the characteristic construction of Shinan Branch of Bank of Qingdao.

Finally, party members and cadres from both sides had a discussion and exchange. The two parties should further gather strength, form a consensus, make joint plans through party building and co-construction activities, broaden the ideas of co-construction, and jointly write a new chapter in Shinan Finance.

In the next step, the District Local Financial Supervision Bureau will build a new pattern of party building work featuring joint party building, resource sharing, and joint solution to problems. Guided by party building, it will promote integration and common improvement, effectively promote the effectiveness of grassroots governance, help improve the quality of financial services, and create a red engine , to empower the promotion of high-quality leap-forward financial development in Shinan District.


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