Games no longer squeeze toothpaste Arm releases G720 GPU: save 40% bandwidth


With the release of a new generation of X4/A720/A520 architecture CPU, Arm also released a new generation of GPU – G720 series, compared with the previous G710/G715 still using the fourth generation graphics architecture, G720 has been upgraded to the fifth generation GPU architecture, no longer squeeze toothpaste to upgrade.

And starting from this generation, Arm’s GPU architecture no longer uses code names such as Valhall and Bifrost, and uses the XX generation to call it.

The previous Arm GPU architecture used tile-based rendering technology.The fifth-generation GPU architecture used in the G720 uses a new DVS (Deferred Vertex Shading, delayed vertex shading) technology.

The advantage of DVS technology is that in the process of vertex coloring, it is loaded into the memory at the execution stage, unlike before, it needs to be loaded into the memory twice, thus greatly reducing the bandwidth requirement.

In the graphics rendering of mobile platforms such as mobile phones, memory bandwidth consumes 1/3 of the power consumption, so DVS technology can greatly reduce game power consumption, improve battery life, and improve energy efficiency.

According to the data released by Arm, the bandwidth is saved by 41% in the game “Elf Ruin”, 33% in “Original God”, 26% in “Fortress Night”, and even 37% in the application of CAD. % of bandwidth.

However, the improvement of performance by DVS technology does not seem to be an exaggeration. The peak performance has increased by 15%, and the performance per watt has increased by about 15%.

In general, the DVS architecture of the G720 reduces bandwidth requirements and saves power consumption. Like the CPU, it pays more attention to improving energy efficiency. This is more suitable for daily use, with lower heat generation and better battery life.

In addition, in terms of image quality, Arm didn’t mention much, but benefiting from bandwidth savings, technologies such as dynamic lighting, depth of field, and light tracing will also be better. At the same time, the Unreal 5 engine will also enter the mobile phone platform by the end of the year.

The G720 series of GPUs will be divided into three levels this time. The highest-end one is called Immortalis G720, which can have more cores, at least 10 or more, and up to 16 cores.

The next step is Mali-G720, the number of GPU cores is between 6 and 9, and the next step is Mali-G620, the number of GPU cores is 5 or less.


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