During the May Day holiday, “Xiang” had fun at the Changsha Tinder Music Festival!



At 19:30 on April 29th, the Tinder Music Festival, which was hosted by Tianyu Media and Mango TV members under Mango Super Media and Mango TV members, ended successfully in Malanshan Square. As the first music festival during the May Day holiday in Changsha, the fiery holding of the Tinder Music Festival took the lead in driving the enthusiasm of music fans and setting off a wave of tourist check-in.

  Three hours of high singing to have a romantic “Xiang” encounter

At 19:30 that night, five groups of singers Jiang Yingrong, Ning Huanyu, Wei Xun, Magic Flash, and 1=F (1EqualFive) took the stage and sang more than 20 songs. The host Feng Qing and the special welfare officer Qi Sijun also delivered surprises on the spot Welfare, the three-hour continuous carnival is over Malanshan!

Jiang Yingrong appeared on the stage with a hot denim look, “Exercise Questions” and “Grasp Your Beauty” showed her super live strength, and her domineering stage performance ignited the stage. There were even fans who came from Guangdong to call Jiang Yingrong enthusiastically, driving the atmosphere of the scene.

1=F (1EqualFive), a brand-new refreshing men’s group launched by Tianyu Media after 14 years, unlocked the stage debut of the music festival. Five members Zhang Zixian, Shi Rui, Chen Zewen, Luo Junwei, and Li Zeyi sang “Little Us” and ” Create the Extreme”, “If you want to climb the peak and overlook, please be brave first”, the passionate performance ignited the live stage.

Wei Xun’s band’s live stage that night was full of atmosphere, and he sang singles such as “Memory Creation” and “Let’s Be Crazy Like This”, from gentle love songs to fast rock songs, with ease! The unruly light that shines on the stage is released with the music~ ???

Ning Huanyu, who came to the Tinder Music Festival for the first time, is handsome and simple and stylish. He not only brought the single “Miao Song” that incorporates Guizhou national elements, but also took the lead in singing the first version of one of the main songs of his new film “Learning the Scriptures”. Joyful interaction pushes the atmosphere to the top.

“Be your opponent, love’s opponent, fight at midnight”, the soul rapper Magic Flash’s “Rival” attracted all the music fans to follow the rhythm and freely “disco”, using music to drive the atmosphere of the audience, the magic The stage “magic” power of Action Flash continues to be released!

  Surprise delivery continues to burn

In this music festival, in addition to the enthusiastic singing of 5 groups of singers, Qi Sijun also turned into a special welfare officer to surprise the stage, and together with the host Feng Qing, gave benefits to all Mango TV members and music fans. The two teamed up tacitly and connected with each other, like a large-scale cross talk show, which attracted constant laughter from the audience. Nine music fans were lucky to come on stage to interact with the guests at close range, creating a warm and friendly music festival carnival party.

The Tinder Music Festival has ignited a wave of climax offline, and online topics have also frequently sparked discussions. 1=F (1EqualFive) Music Festival’s debut stage performance is brilliant and praises continue to hit the hot list; Qi Sijun shows “contrast cuteness” on and off the stage

Watching the music festival with hands and feet dancing, netizens called “Xiao Qi plays me”.

Next, the “Tinder Music Festival” will continue to be held in Changsha, forming a new business card of Changsha city, attracting music fans from all over the country to come to Changsha to feel the new trend and vitality of this city. Follow the official Weibo of “Tinder Music Festival” to learn more about the festival.


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