The global smartphone market shipments continued to decline in the first quarter


Recently, according to the data released by Canalys, IDC and other market research companies, the sales volume of the global mobile phone market is still in a downward trend, but the downward trend has slowed down. Based on the data of multiple research companies, it is found that 2023 may be the lowest point in recent years, and the mobile phone market is expected to rebound slightly starting from 2024.


According to multiple reports recently released by the market research company Canalys, the global, Indian, and Chinese mobile phone market sales have all experienced declines of varying degrees, 13%, 20%, and 11%, respectively. Among them, for the Indian market, Canalys defines it as: “unprecedented”. Canalys said that the Indian market is facing: a demand dilemma, and channels are still vulnerable to inventory backlogs. In the first quarter of 2023, the Chinese mobile phone market also experienced a decline in sales, but thanks to the restart of the Chinese economy, the decline was slightly better than the overall global performance.

The top three in the global market are Samsung, Apple and Xiaomi, with shipments of 60.3 million, 58 million and 30.5 million. Among the top five, only Apple’s market share has risen, reaching 21%. OPPO and VIVO ranked fourth and fifth globally, respectively, with shipments of 26.6 million and 20.9 million units.

  Who is number one in the market?Apple and OPPO vie for top spot in domestic market

According to the data, Apple, OPPO, vivo, Honor and Xiaomi rank the top five in the national mobile phone market. The difference is the position of the first place. The opinions of these two companies are not unified. According to Canalys data, Apple shipped 13.3 million units in China, ranking first in the market with a 20% market share. Domestic mobile phone manufacturer OPPO seized 19% of the market share with sales of 12.6 million units, occupying the second place in the list; while in the statistical report of another research company IDC, Apple ranked second with a market share of 17.6%. OPPO’s market share rose to 19.6%, ranking first.

Canalys data shows that Apple’s sales in the first quarter are the first in China

IDC data shows that OPPO sales volume is the first in China in the first quarter

According to IDC data, except for “others”, the top five mobile phone manufacturers have all experienced a decline in sales, and the most serious decline is Honor. Compared with the first quarter of 2022, its shipments fell from the first to the fourth, a decline up to 35%. The smallest decline was in Apple, which fell by 3%. Among the other three, vivo, like Apple, has a single-digit decline of 7%, while OPPO and Xiaomi have double-digit declines, 10% and 20% respectively. Xiaomi, which ranks third in the world, has dropped to fifth place in the domestic market, and is on the verge of entering the ranks of “others”.

  Apple relies on sharp price cuts to increase market share

According to the survey, Apple’s market share can maintain a high market share, mainly because of two reasons: First, Apple adjusted its price in the first quarter. Not only has Apple adjusted its channel prices, but some e-commerce companies have also subsidized Apple in order to beautify their KPI data. As channel operators have adjusted prices many times, users’ desire to buy has been greatly stimulated, and good market feedback has been obtained; secondly, the price increase of Android phones has also gradually increased the number of users who choose Apple phones.


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