Kuaishou releases employment promotion report: absorbing and driving 36.21 million jobs


On April 28, the Kuaishou Big Data Research Institute released the “Kuaishou Promotion of Employment and Digital Worker Development Report” (hereinafter referred to as the report), combining the current development characteristics of digital platform enterprises, exploring in absorbing, creating, and promoting employment, put forward Digital Platforms Facilitate Employment Growth Model (GROW). According to estimates, by the end of 2022, the Kuaishou platform will create 36.21 million jobs. The report pointed out that it has become a consensus formed by government agencies, industry experts and digital platform practice to give full play to the advantages of platform technology innovation and achieve high-quality employment.

Kuaishou absorbed and created 36.21 million jobs

The report pointed out that the huge employment absorption capacity of the digital economy can continue to bring stable jobs. In February 2022, the research group of the School of Labor and Human Resources of Renmin University of China released the “Research Report on Short Video Platforms Promoting Employment and Creating Social Value”, which shows that the total number of employment opportunities driven by the Kuaishou platform is 34.63 million. Based on the calculation model of the research group and combined with the latest data, the report calculates that by the end of 2022, the Kuaishou platform will create 36.21 million jobs, of which 22.15 million will be created by content ecology, and 14.06 million will be created by the business ecosystem.

The report pointed out that the continuous development and iteration of digital technologies such as cloud computing and artificial intelligence have brought new businesses and demands, and created a wider range of occupations. Occupations include not only the re-innovation of traditional occupations in the digital economy era, such as “short video special effects artist”, but also brand-new positions spawned by new formats of digital economy, such as “commercial traffic planner”.

 “City Employment Attractiveness Index” Suzhou ranks first

In addition to platform ecology driving employment and new digital business formats creating new jobs, the report also pointed out that the characteristics of digital open platforms also give platforms the opportunity to explore and do more to help achieve the goal of high-quality full employment.

In 2021, Kuaishou will launch the live broadcast job service “Quick Employment”. Last year, the number of live broadcast sessions exceeded 5 million, and 240,000 companies provided jobs. According to the statistics of Kuaipin’s resume delivery data from August 2022 to January 2023, the report shows that 70.8% of the resumes were sent to the manufacturing industry, and Jiangsu, Shandong and Guangdong ranked the top three in the number of resumes received, which means that the manufacturing industry and the manufacturing industry Large provinces are popular with job seekers.

The report also established the “Quick Hiring City Employment Attractiveness Index” based on the ratio of the number of resumes received and the number of resumes delivered in different cities to measure the employment attractiveness of different regions. The results show that Jiangsu’s Suzhou, Changzhou, and Nanjing are the top three cities in the “Urban Employment Attractiveness Index”.

From the perspective of the high-frequency city flow of resumes for different positions, Beijing, Tianjin, and Qingdao are the three cities that receive the most resumes for security guards. Dongguan, Kunming, and Shanghai rank in the top three for receiving resumes for driver positions, while Tianjin, Changzhou, and Suzhou receive the most. Technicians have the most resumes.

The report pointed out that in addition to objective factors such as the geographical distribution of the manufacturing industry, the employment attractiveness index of the manufacturing industry clusters represented by Suzhou is relatively high. Especially in the Kunshan area, thanks to the collaboration of the local government, employers and digital platforms, the “Kunshan model” of live broadcasting to promote high-quality and full employment has been formed: the local government encourages live broadcasting and online recruitment, manufacturing Enterprises have made bold attempts to lead posts through live broadcasts, and the short video live broadcast platform represented by Kuaishou has built a new infrastructure for short video live broadcasts to accurately match supply and demand.

 Digital platforms help high-quality employment become a new consensus

The report pointed out that it is a consensus formed in practice by government agencies, industry experts, and digital platform companies in recent years to give full play to the advantages of platform technology innovation, create more job opportunities, and achieve higher-quality employment. The live broadcast mode that emerged from the short video live broadcast platform has become the unanimous choice of many platform companies.

According to the combing of public information, in addition to Kuaishou’s “Quick Pin”, in September last year, Douyin launched the function of submitting resumes in the live broadcast room; It said that digital products and tools and open live broadcast capabilities will be provided in the future.

The report also pointed out that the gradual maturity of the new employment promotion model of digital platforms characterized by innovation and creation, driving promotion, digital efficiency improvement and multi-party cooperation also indicates that digital platforms have entered the 2.0 era of high-quality and full employment.


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