Feng Jicai’s original drama “Strange People in the World” returned to Tianjin to perform


From April 26th to 30th, won the 2023 stage art creation funding project of the National Arts Fund and the 2022 Beijing Culture and Art Funding Project. The long-awaited legendary drama “The Stranger of the World” has undergone a national tour in nine cities and finally returned to Tianjin to open. The curtain of the family-saving show.

15 years of patient waiting for the original work; 8 years of careful preparation for the drama stage; 35 days and 840 hours of selfless devotion to the closed training camp; 5 800-minute polishing and blooming of Beijing’s popular premiere; the wonderful presentation of 20 stages in 9 cities at the beginning of the year… …The drama “Strange People in the World” is based on the strong appeal and influence of Liu Zhongkui, the chief producer, producer, and dragon century in the industry, and has assembled a high-quality team in the industry. Yunshe Wang Jiulong and Tianjin Renyi, a group of powerful performing artists, created a stage drama full of Beijing-Tianjin rhyme culture.

The drama of one place deserves one place, and was commented by Shanghai Xinmin Evening News as: “A dynamic ‘Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival’ that shows the cultural background and connotation of Tianjin”. Bringing the humanities on the stage, integrating multiple elements such as intangible cultural heritage, opera, martial arts, dance, etc., bringing dozens of unique characters in Mr. Feng Jicai’s original novels to the stage.

The national tour in 2023 received strong responses from all over the country, and “The Stranger of the World” has received numerous praises and praises after continuous revision and repeated polishing. As a nationwide tour of visiting family members, the Tianjin stage performance is naturally expected by everyone. Not only the box office sales are hot, but also the second additional performance, setting a record for the largest number of large-scale stage performances in Tianjin this year.

The drama “Strange People in the World” is on a national tour, from south to north, with spring planting and summer growth, and lush vegetation. The Pao Da Deng Tavern next to the canal wharf slowly unfolds like a scroll among mountains and seas in spring. Beijing Poly Theater, Guangzhou Grand Theater, Foshan Grand Theater, Wuhan Qintai Grand Theater, Nanjing Poly Theater, Shanghai Cultural Plaza, Shenzhen Guangming Culture and Art Center, Wuxi Grand Theater, Qingdao Grand Theater, Tianjin Auditorium. 25 performances in ten cities. The secular world is still going on, and surprises are staged.


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