Ringworm of the scalp should not be underestimated and can cause septicemia

Ringworm of the scalp should not be underestimated and can cause septicemia


(Hong Kong News) People often confuse eczema and ringworm, but in fact the causes, symptoms and treatment methods of the two are different. The term “mange” refers to minor problems, but scalp ringworm is far from simple. Not only is it itchy, but it can also lead to septicemia!

Chinese Medicine Physician He Jianrong

Distinguish between eczema and scalp ringworm

Chinese medicine doctor He Jianrong pointed out that ringworm of the scalp is caused by fungal infection. Generally, people with weak immune systems, such as children, the elderly, patients with chronic diseases, people with debilitating diseases such as cancer, and people with immune system diseases such as AIDS and leukemia, are more prone to Suffer from ringworm of the scalp.

“In addition, living in a humid environment, lack of hygiene awareness,

People who keep pets and often go to and from hospitals are also high-risk groups.

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, the formation of scalp ringworm is mainly caused by external causes. “

He pointed out that people with insufficient endowments are more likely to be infected by wind evil insect poisons due to humid climate and environmental changes, causing symptoms of heat, dampness, and cold. The accumulation of wind evil insect poison on the hair and skin of the head will lead to scalp ringworm .

“People with strong immunity generally recover quickly after treatment; but if people with low immunity are infected with scalp ringworm and neglect to deal with it, after a long time, the fungus will penetrate into the hair follicles and cause hair breakage and hair loss. Injury to the scalp may not only leave permanent scars, but may also cause blood vessel infection, and in the worst case, septicemia, life-threatening.”

Humid weather is the season with a high incidence of scalp ringworm. People with weak immunity are prone to fungal infection and suffer from scalp ringworm.

Many people confuse scalp eczema with scalp ringworm, but the pathogenesis of the two is by no means similar.

Humid weather is the season with a high incidence of scalp ringworm. People with weak immunity are prone to fungal infection and suffer from scalp ringworm.

The causes of the two diseases are very different

He explained that eczema is mainly caused by the accumulation of dampness and heat in the body. Changes in the weather or eating “hair products”, such as bamboo shoots or crustacean seafood, will induce the body to expel the poison of dampness and heat, making the skin red, itchy, and pimples.

“In addition, eczema, nasal allergy and asthma are known as the “allergic triad”. If a patient has nasal allergy or asthma at the same time, and most of them develop symptoms such as skin redness after eating seafood, it can almost be concluded that it is eczema.”

Check the scalp with a scalp analysis instrument. If there are obvious hyphae on the hair, it can be concluded that it is tinea scalp.

Scalp Eczema Ringworm

More often in alternating seasons, wet or dry weather than in wet weather

not contagious contagious

Frequently occurs on the scalp, neck, hands and feet, bends of the limbs, etc. Frequently occurs in places that are sweaty and not ventilated, such as the scalp, armpits, inner arms or back, etc.

The distribution area is relatively large, and the distribution area is symmetrically distributed on the left and right sides of the body. The distribution area is small and gradually expands in a circular manner.

Expansion is rapid, and the scope of influence may naturally shrink. Expansion is slow, and the scope of influence will not naturally shrink

Symptoms: dry itchy scalp, redness, sticky dandruff, pimples, and dull pain Symptoms: itchy scalp, yellow scabs, broken hair, and white hyphae at the end of the hair

He pointed out that when the scalp is checked with a scalp analysis instrument, if there are obvious hyphae appearing on the hair, it can be concluded that it is tinea scalp.

Internal and external attack of traditional Chinese medicine effectively cures

The common types of scalp ringworm include microsporum, yellow tinea, trichophyton, violaceum, etc. Each has its own characteristics. water”. If neglected, tinea scalp can spread to the entire head.

Doctor trained in Western medicine generally prescribes ointment treatment scalp ringworm, in order to kill fungus.

But he pointed out that long-term use of ointment will dry out and thin the skin barrier, increasing the chance of secondary infection. In addition, steroids have little effect on the treatment of tinea scalp. Although steroids can suppress inflammation, they can also suppress the immune system. When the patient stops taking steroids, the immune system disorder will worsen again, making the condition worse.

Traditional Chinese medicine can avoid the above problems. Traditional Chinese medicine treats scalp ringworm mainly with external application of drugs, such as rhubarb, coptis, Phellodendron cortex and other traditional Chinese medicines for heat-clearing and anti-inflammatory, combined with traditional Chinese medicines such as pepper and flavescens to dispel wind and kill insects. Patients only need to apply the medicine once a week for one hour each time, and most of them can be cured within half a year. At the same time, special attention should be paid to personal and environmental hygiene to avoid recurrence of scalp ringworm.

Suffering from eczema and psoriasis at the same time is more difficult to cure if misdiagnosed

People often confuse scalp eczema with scalp ringworm. Because the treatments of the two are quite different, wrong use will aggravate the condition.

Traditional Chinese medicine for treating eczema mainly focuses on clearing away heat, detoxifying and removing dampness. If a patient suffering from scalp ringworm takes it by mistake for a long time, it may weaken the immune system and make it more difficult for the fungus to be controlled. “On the contrary, applying topical medicines for scalp ringworm to treat scalp eczema may stimulate the body’s immune response, making the rash redness, itching and water seepage more serious, and even tingling, making eczema more serious. The scope spreads and it is more difficult to cure.”

Significantly reduced scalp itchiness

He Jianrong shared a real case. Ms. Chen, who is about 40 years old, began to suffer from scalp sensitivity after home renovation. In addition, her immune system was disordered due to irregular diet, and she was infected with fungi due to negligence of personal hygiene. The patient sought treatment from Western medicine and Chinese medicine successively, but the effect of the medicine was not good, and the condition worsened after stopping the medicine.

“Ms. Chen not only suffers from itchy head and can’t sleep at night, but her daily life and work are also greatly affected. After the problem lasted for nearly half a year, she came to seek help.”

After scalp examination and pulse questioning, it was found that Ms. Chen’s scalp was reddened in a large area, slightly seeped, peeled, and hyphae appeared in her hair. In addition, she was diagnosed with scalp eczema and scalp ringworm at the same time.

He first prescribed traditional Chinese medicine for the patient to treat eczema and restore immunity, and externally applied Chinese medicine to treat scalp ringworm and eliminate fungus. In order to reduce the stimulation of externally applied Chinese medicine on eczema, first apply low-irritant Chinese medicine externally to reduce inflammation, and then gradually add pepper and sophora flavescens to enhance the anti-fungal effect. After four months, the condition has improved significantly, and the scalp itching has been greatly reduced. It was not long before he returned to his normal state of health.

How to stop itching?

Scalp ringworm patients should not scratch their heads, because scratching the scalp will cause the fungus to enter the blood. Patients should trim their nails regularly, and use their fingertips as much as possible when scratching their heads to reduce the chance of damaging the scalp. In addition to seeking medical advice as soon as possible, you can take the soup of Tu Fu Ling and barley, which can help improve the itching symptoms.

Broken hair mycelia can survive for 1 year

Studies have shown that the fungus of ringworm can survive on hair loss for up to a year. Dr. He explained that the humid environment in the bathroom is suitable for the growth of fungi. A single fungus can survive in the bathroom for three months, and it is not surprising that the broken hair bacteria that fell on the drain pipe can survive for more than one year.

Daily Health Tips

1.It is not advisable to overeat crustacean seafood, scaleless fish, mushrooms, spicy food, bamboo shoots, geese and other hairy things.

2.Shampoo should not be too dense, the water temperature is too hot and too vigorously stimulated, and it must be dried with warm air.

3.Avoid sharing towels with family members, or washing machines with people with tinea capitis.

4.Wash towels and pillows in boiling water.

5.Pay attention to daily cleaning and hygiene, and keep the home environment dry.

6.Frequent scratchers must have their nails trimmed regularly.

7.It can be used to make soup with smilax, coix seed, rehmannia glutinosa, and purslane on a regular basis to help invigorate the spleen and remove dampness.

Article Li Ji “Ming Pao”


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