High 10 Group Preschool Education Group has cultivated 10,000 young children in the 25 years since its founding. Li Yijie: Create a fun and creative early childhood education center | Business News

High 10 Group Preschool Education Group has cultivated 10,000 young children in the 25 years since its founding. Li Yijie: Create a fun and creative early childhood education center | Business News


(Beihai News) Winnie Lee, CEO of High 10 Group Preschool Education Group, said that the 8 branches of the group have been recognized by parents for their educational philosophy in the past 25 years, and more than 15,000 children have studied here , this is due to the trust of the parents and the professional and responsible heart of all the teaching staff and the love for the students.

Li Yijie (front 3rd from right) and Zheng Lina (front 3rd from left) handed over the raised funds to Bukit Mertajam Yaochi Golden Mother Foundation Finance Huang Jizhui (2nd from right) and Li Peipei (2nd from left), the witness Captain Chen Diquan in the middle.

Li Yijie made the above speech on the evening when the group celebrated its 25th anniversary. At the banquet, Penang State Executive Councilor Sun Zhizhi was also invited to preside over the opening ceremony. The group’s founder Zheng Lina, the founding president Zhuang Xiufeng, CEO Li Yijie, Wen Renzhun Dato’ Zheng Youyi, Dato’ Cai Ruihao, entertainer Xu Kai, Captain Chen Diquan and others accompanied him.

High 10 Group Preschool Education Group is also the winner of the “Bright Education Warrior Award” from our newspaper in 2022.

Zheng Lina (sixth from the right), CEO Li Yijie (sixth from the left) presented awards to long-serving teachers.

Li Yijie said that the group has gone through 25 years and has expanded from 6 employees when it was founded to 8 branches and 180 teaching staff. He is proud and grateful for the contribution in the field of enlightenment education in the past 25 years.

She said that when the school was first established and opened in 1998, their original intention was to provide a fun and creative early childhood education center.

“Over the past 25 years, we have inspired more than 15,000 lives and established the strongest preschool education. These High 10 students have embarked on a bright and successful future in their later learning journeys, and some have already shined in their respective professional fields. “. She pointed it out.

CEO Li Yijie (third from right) presented the award to the winning teachers.

Li Yijie is honored that so many families have chosen High 10 and entrusted their most precious children to High 10. The trust of parents and the full cooperation with the school throughout the entire learning journey of children have created and supported the growth of a preschool education brand. growing up.

She is full of passion and confidence in the future development of the group, and vowed to cultivate more elite young children for our country and lay a solid preschool education for them.

Xu Kai presented the award to alumnus Chen Dongyang (received by his mother Huang Ailing).

Penang State Executive Councilor Sun Zhi praised High 10 Preschool Education Group for providing the most accurate preschool education to countless young children in Penang over the past 25 years, playing a very important role in the preschool education sector.

He pointed out that youth are the pillars of the country, and children are the pillars of youth success. It is obvious that preschool education and enlightenment education are important.

In his speech, Dato’ Cai Ruihao, chairman of the Yaochi Golden Mother Charity Foundation in Bukit Mertajam, praised High 10 Preschool Education Group for not forgetting charity when setting up education and raising funds for the association, which will plant a seed of kindness in the hearts of young children. Be a role model for shaping a caring society.

Zhuang Xiufan (right) presented the award to the award-winning teachers.

It is worth mentioning that High 10 Group received a total of RM50,000 in charity funds for the Yaochi Golden Mother Charity Foundation through the full dedication of the teachers, parents and the hospital when celebrating its 25th anniversary. And at a later time, the donation was handed over to Huang Jizhui, the treasurer of the association, and Li Peipei, the coordinating director.

The management teacher team took a group photo with artist Xu Kai at the dinner.

The group also presented trophies to 18 outstanding alumni. They are currently serving in various professional fields such as doctors, lawyers and business fields. And alumni also presented brilliant talent shows, including singing, belly dancing and ballet.

High 10 Kid performed a wonderful dance Langmu.

At the same time, the High 10 Group also held a series of programs in the morning and at noon, including the wonderful performances of the 8 kindergartens in the hospital. Thousands of parents participated in the event, and the scene was lively.

More than a thousand parents attended the celebration, and the scene was lively.

A group photo of all teachers and management at the dinner.


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