Taikang Life launched a healthy walking activity, come and log in to the Taikang Doctor APP


In April, Taikang Life Insurance launched a healthy walking activity with the theme of “8,000 steps a day, embracing great health”. All Taikang Doctor APP users can sign up through the Taikang Vitality Plan.


  Sports to win gifts, embrace great health

This event will be held from April 1st to April 28th, and there are two main challenges: step counting challenge and super body check-in.

From April 1st, users can sign up for the step counting challenge every week. After completing the challenge, the user can get corresponding reward points, which can be used for lottery drawing and prize redemption on the Taikang Doctor APP. The first 200 users who complete the step counting challenge will also have the opportunity to receive physical rewards for cervical spine heating pillows. In order to enhance user participation, a separate lucky draw is set up in the event area, and all participating users have the opportunity to receive a JD card reward of up to 188 yuan.

From April 15th to April 28th, users can participate in the “Super Body Punch” challenge, and experience Taikang’s achievements in the field of general health by visiting Taikang’s big health entity. After punching the card, the user will also be rewarded with points. The check-in locations of this event cover 37 branches, more than 320 central branches, 117 health and wealth experience centers, and 14 Taikang Home retirement communities across the country.

  Relying on Thai vitality

  Taikang Life explores the “insurance + health management” model

Taikang Vitality Plan is a health promotion plan for Taikang customers. By providing “accompanying” health management services, health concepts are implanted in life scenes, and a series of health management such as health science popularization, health assessment, exercise management, and sleep management are integrated. process, awaken health awareness, improve physical fitness, help customers develop healthy living habits, and prevent diseases before they happen.

In August 2021, Taikang Life Insurance dynamically linked health management services and renewal premiums through the “Taikang Vitality Plan”, and launched the first interactive insurance in the system-“Taikang Additional Medical Insurance (Adjustable Rate)” . “Thai Vitality Plan” introduces the concept of “health value” to provide renewal discounts to qualified designated long-term medical insurance customers by quantifying the customer’s exercise and health status. The more health tasks the customer completes, the higher the health value, and the lower the renewal premium rate. Today, the Taikang Vitality Plan has been connected with four types of Taikang long-term medical insurance.

As of March 2023, a total of nearly 40,000 Taikang customers have been eligible for renewal discounts through the “Taikang Vitality Plan”, and nearly 82% of them have already enjoyed the renewal discounts. The plan has saved nearly 4.5 million yuan in premiums for customers. Compared with renewing insurance without participating in “Thai Energy”, customers saved up to 990 yuan.

  Thai Vitality Program

  Help customers develop sustainable healthy habits

The Thai Vitality Plan takes daily, weekly, and monthly cycles to set multi-dimensional health tasks for users. Users can learn about their own health management at any time through the health value.

In August 2021, at the invitation of Taikang’s agent, Mr. Zhang Shan (pseudonym) registered and downloaded the Taikang Doctor APP and joined the Taikang Vitality Plan. Since then, he has insisted on completing health tasks such as getting up early and clocking in, vitality daily stickers, and vitality step counting. In the “Personal Annual Health Footprint” report generated by the Taikang Doctor APP at the end of 2021, Mr. Zhang Shan found that the health value he obtained exceeded 100% of the customers on the platform, which made him feel very fulfilled.

Mr. Zhang Shan said: “Taikang is my guarantee in case of accidents and diseases. We should also take the initiative to participate in sports to enhance our health and try not to get sick. After joining Taiqili, I log in to the APP every day to do health tasks. At least 8,000 steps are synchronized every day. The number of steps, urge myself to keep exercising; answering questions every day helps me understand a lot of knowledge about health and health preservation, and has a correct guiding significance for living habits; getting up and clocking in every morning will remind me to develop good and regular work and rest habits. Dr. Taikang The app has made me better understand how to live a healthy life, make my work and rest more regular, insist on physical exercise, and strengthen my physique, and I will continue to use it.”

In June 2022, Mr. Zhang Shan accumulated a health value of 1850 during the policy period and was eligible for a preferential renewal policy, corresponding to a renewal premium rate of 0.8, which saved 20% of the cost compared to renewal when he did not join Thai Energy.

Having been deeply involved in life insurance for many years, Taikang Life Insurance has always been committed to providing customers with health solutions of “health insurance + health service + ecology”. Relying on the Taikang Vitality Plan to promote a healthy lifestyle to the whole society and improve the health level of customers through health promotion means is not only the meaning of Taikang Life’s big health strategy, but also Taikang’s practice of “Healthy China 2030” and the implementation of “people’s health” Center” important measures.


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