Huayuan Sub-branch of Minsheng Bank carried out the “3.15 Financial Consumers’ Rights and Interests Day” promotional activity in commercial circles


In order to further enhance the self-protection awareness and risk responsibility awareness of financial consumers, build a harmonious financial consumption environment, and popularize financial knowledge, on March 15, Huayuan Sub-branch of Minsheng Bank came to Tianjin Xinnan Road Hardware City for enterprises and merchants. “3.15 Financial Consumer Rights Day” publicity campaign.

Xinnan Road Hardware City is located in Nankai District. It is one of the top 100 professional markets in the country and has many merchants. During the activity, the small and micro customer managers of the sub-branches carried promotional leaflets, brochures, banners and other items, and focused on financial knowledge such as preventing financial fraud, resisting illegal fund-raising, and wealth management services to merchants. Publicize the prevention of fraud in the form of telecommunications fraud, false prize-winning text messages, child kidnapping, security account transfers provided by public security staff, and ATM self-service fake transfer loans, etc., to improve customers’ financial security awareness and risk prevention capabilities; explain personal ID cards, bank cards and financial and Property information protection, and how to maintain good personal credit records and the impact of bad credit records, to enhance financial consumers’ awareness of honesty and trustworthiness. During the publicity activities, everyone patiently and carefully explained financial knowledge and key points of fraud prevention, which was well received by merchants.

In this event, more than 100 copies of various missionary materials were distributed on the spot, and more than 50 on-site consultations were received by the public, which further strengthened the relationship between Minsheng Bank and financial consumers, promoted the further popularization of financial knowledge, and guided the effective transformation of customer concepts. It has effectively improved the financial knowledge level of the general public and the ability to protect their legitimate rights and interests, and enhanced consumer confidence.


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