Minsheng Bank Zhongbei Sub-branch launched a 3?15 theme promotional activity


In order to further enhance the self-protection awareness and risk prevention awareness of financial consumers, improve the financial knowledge level of financial consumers, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and build a more harmonious financial consumption environment, Minsheng Bank Tianjin Zhongbei Sub-branch actively responded to the “3.15” In accordance with the requirements of the consumer rights day publicity activities, we will carry out in-depth consumer rights protection knowledge publicity and anti-fraud knowledge publicity activities.

Set up a public education area, set up a publicity column and a publicity window, and place publicity leaflets to publicize to financial consumers from the prevention of telecommunication fraud, knowledge of sensitive bank card information, how to protect bank card information and passwords, and how to protect account funds. , Create a good consumer protection education service atmosphere. At the same time, consultation points are set up in the business premises, and financial managers and service managers take the initiative to distribute leaflets and brochures to customers to publicize and popularize financial prevention knowledge.

On the “3.15” consumer rights protection day, the person in charge of the Zhongbei Sub-branch led a team into the Dadi Twelve City community to carry out the “3.15” consumer rights protection” publicity, distributed promotional leaflets to community residents, and Explain in detail the matters that need to be paid attention to when purchasing financial products, emphasizing the need to carefully read the contract, understand the product structure, investment targets, consumers’ own rights and obligations, and risk assessment and other important links. Vigorously popularize financial knowledge and correct asset allocation concepts to prevent Illegal financial management behaviors and telecommunication fraud cases in the society. The publicity activities were welcomed by the majority of residents, and the residents expressed the hope that Minsheng Bank would carry out more such down-to-earth and practical financial publicity activities.

The “3.15” theme publicity campaign has improved financial consumers’ awareness of prevention, as well as their awareness of responsibility, rights and risks. Minsheng Bank Zhongbei Sub-branch will actively implement the requirements of the head office and branches to make work more responsible and detailed , actively fulfill social responsibilities, and make positive contributions to maintaining financial stability and creating a harmonious and orderly financial environment!


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