Tianjin Haiguangsi Sub-branch of Minsheng Bank launched the “3.15” consumer protection education and publicity campaign


In order to further enhance the risk awareness of financial consumers, build a harmonious and stable financial consumption environment, and allow more consumers to enjoy better services and products in the bank, Tianjin Haiguangsi Sub-branch of Minsheng Bank launched a themed campaign in the hall of the branch and surrounding communities. The “3.15” consumer rights protection education and publicity campaign with the theme of “Building an Honest Consumption Environment and Boosting Confidence in Financial Consumption”.

  Publicity in the hall and surrounding business circles

The sub-branch takes the business outlets as the main position, simultaneously promotes the “3.15” publicity activities in the hall and surrounding communities, and conducts in-depth publicity of consumer rights protection knowledge and anti-fraud knowledge publicity activities. The sub-branches use the business outlets as the main promotional positions, display consumer rights protection promotional exhibition racks in the outlets, and promotional leaflets in the financial knowledge area, and use the hall micro-salon and other forms to provide targeted publicity and education content to different customer groups. Customers popularize professional financial knowledge. The staff of the sub-branch went deep into the surrounding business circles to popularize financial knowledge such as consumer protection, anti-money laundering, anti-counterfeit currency, and prevention of telecommunications fraud to financial consumers through various forms of publicity such as centralized publicity and one-by-one visits, and won the support and praise of the general public.

  United Twin Peaks CommunityHold a special event

Coinciding with the “3.15” Consumer Rights Protection Education Publicity Week, the sub-branch and the Shuangfengdao Community Neighborhood Committee held a “3.15” consumer protection education special publicity event, with the participation of community residents and building company personnel.

The main theme of the activity is to explain the knowledge of preventing telecommunication fraud and credit business risks, and conduct education and protection of consumer rights and interests to the representatives of the residents participating in the meeting. Through a number of recent fraud cases, the residents are reminded to raise their awareness of safety precautions. Finally, a questionnaire was conducted. The investigation helped the participating residents to deepen their understanding of the knowledge of preventing telecommunications fraud and credit business risks in the “3.15” consumer protection education and publicity.

This “3.15” consumer protection-themed education and publicity campaign helps financial consumers accurately understand the risks of financial products by disseminating financial knowledge to the public, improves consumers’ self-protection awareness, and effectively helps the steady development of finance. Haiguangsi Sub-branch of Minsheng Bank will practice the mission of “serving the public and caring for people’s livelihood”, continue to adhere to the “customer-centric” business service concept, earnestly fulfill the social responsibility of the financial industry, and help build a harmonious and healthy financial ecological environment.


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