I am free and free like the wind Adidas “Wuji” series 2023 spring new products are officially on sale


Adidas “Wuji” series started in 2023, and released the brand’s annual theme “Wuji I am free”. This year, the “Wuji” series is inspired by the classic “Sun Tzu’s Art of War”, which runs through the four seasons with wind, forest, fire and mountains as clues. The classics of the Art of War inspire the Chinese philosophical life attitude of “I am at ease”.

It’s as fast as the wind, I’m at easealso

Hurrying urban life requires coping with complicated social relations and events. People tend to disrupt the rhythm and lose themselves. However, the four characters “Fenglin Volcano” taken from “Sun Tzu’s Art of War” are a kind of culture that has been accumulated for thousands of years. The wisdom of holding the game also provides philosophical thinking for people today. “It’s as fast as the wind” – attacking as quickly as the wind, without hesitation or hesitation, and acting quickly can often avoid many internal frictions, reduce stress and anxiety, and thus realize the “I am at ease” living state.

Free as the wind, as you like

Inspired by “wind”, the new spring products of the “Wuji” series introduce quiet blue and natural colors for color recombination and use wind patterns to reflect the free and easy temperament of “wind”.

March’s flagship model is a detachable mixed-fit two-piece jacket. The jacket is combined with a new Chinese-style vest. The overlapping seam design on the armhole of the vest is full of Chinese-style aesthetics and a sense of technology. It is equipped with a Chinese-style stand-up collar. It can be stacked and worn alone. , reflecting the design ingenuity that is as comfortable as “wind”.

In addition, other spring new products of the “Wuji” series are also worthy of attention in terms of product wearability. The “wind pattern” printed short-sleeved T-shirt adopts three-dimensional cutting at the shoulders, and the design of seamless stitching technology increases the flexibility and performance of the arms, and also aims to reduce the burden on the shoulders. The best-selling classic fit has tapered legs for a slimmer fit and plenty of wearability.

The streamlined wind pattern, the wind pattern printing in the details, and the embroidered logo all show Chinese cultural elements, injecting delicacy and high-grade texture into the comfortable wearing experience.

Chen Xiao, “Century-year-old master joins hands with Adidas to send culture and sports into campus public welfare ambassador”, interprets “Wuji” and presents Chinese stories.

The new season of Adidas “Wuji” series has been officially released, and the brand’s offline stores can purchase this season’s “Wuji” series products. For more details, please log on to the official website of Adidas.

About Adidas “Wuji” series (adidas WUJI)

The Adidas “Wuji” series was jointly created by internationally renowned kung fu star and martial artist Jet Li and Adidas in 2009. It aims to integrate Chinese and Western cultures and promote martial arts and its derivative cultures to the world. Since 2017, “Wuji” has been seeking new explorations while interpreting traditional culture, not just “Kung Fu”, but using “Wu” as a way to communicate with the outside world, self-breakthrough and integration, and strive to show “Ji” has no boundaries and no definition, hoping to create a unique sports culture platform suitable for Chinese young people. Through the modern interpretation of Wushu by young people, Wushu, a sport rooted in China, will be transformed into a new trend.

About Adidas

As a world-renowned sporting goods company, Adidas is headquartered in Germany, adhering to the brand attitude of “Impossible is Nothing”, with the original intention of “changing life through sports”, and the mission of “becoming the best sports brand in the world”, and continues to Enhance brand reputation, create a unique and sustainable consumer experience. Greater China is one of Adidas’ three global strategic markets, and Shanghai and Beijing are included in the company’s 12 key cities around the world. Adidas entered the Chinese market in 1997. Currently, it has more than 10,000 employees in China and nearly 10,000 stores in major cities across the country. Adidas will continue to deepen the Chinese market, meet the diverse needs of Chinese consumers, and contribute to the improvement of national sports performance and quality of life.


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