New China Insurance Releases New Ten Customer Service Commitments for 2023


New China Insurance actively implements the requirements of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, further improves consumer rights protection and financial education and publicity work, and releases a new ten customer service commitments in 2023 during the “3·15” period, continuously improving service quality and optimizing consumer experience.

  1. Intelligent interaction around the clock

The intelligent customer service “Zhiduoxin” cooperates with 95567 artificial customer service Zhilian to provide customers with 7*24-hour all-media interactive services and enhance service coverage.

  2. Caring stores are close by

More than a thousand counter stores are with customers, and the counter manpower and smart self-service are “dual online”, and the “silver hair station” cares for elderly friends and protects and benefits people’s livelihood.

  3. It is more convenient and more secure to apply for insurance

All-weather online insurance application services, SMS reminders of key links, and real-time electronic policy checks make insurance application convenient and fast, and you can enjoy services without worry.

  4. Intelligent return visit guarantee rights and interests

Smart follow-up visits actively contact customers through WeChat, phone calls, text messages, etc. in key service links to inform policy and service updates, and effectively protect customer rights and interests.

  5. The security service is more convenient

Provide more than 60 security services such as customer information change, maturity payment collection, etc. Specific businesses can be handled through the self-service platform to enjoy policy benefits conveniently.

  6. Fast claim settlement and excellent service

Relying on technological empowerment and the use of intelligent claim settlement, individual customers will know the results within 2 days for small and ordinary claims of less than 5,000 yuan, and within 30 days for complex and difficult claims.

  Seven, considerate compensation is more warm

7*24 hours of online claim settlement, any branch in the country can submit a claim application offline, and the serious illness condolences will be compensated first, making claim settlement more convenient and considerate.

  8. Smooth and fast response to complaints

Unblock the complaint channels of “telephone, internet, letters, and visits”, give priority to recommending telephone and Internet, respond to all channels immediately, and generally respond to complaints within 15 days.

  9. Excellent experience of additional services

“Youke+” health value-added service serves different customer groups, cares for the healthy life of customers and their families in an all-round way, and builds a healthy China together.

  10. Complying with sales and keeping integrity

Explain in detail the insurance tips and terms and conditions, actively remind the characteristics and risks of insurance products, so that customers can rest assured when buying insurance and boost consumer confidence.

New China Insurance will focus on consumers, implement the political and people-oriented nature of financial work with practical actions, continuously consolidate the foundation of integrity, strengthen integrity education and warnings, strengthen the construction of integrity culture, and provide consumers with better services.


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