JD Home Appliances cooperates with Vantage to upgrade and increase the exposure of new products


As the home appliance industry enters a mature stage, consumer demand becomes more diverse. Different from the era when large single products dominated the market in the past, it has become an industry consensus to tap market segments. “Smart” and “high-end” have become the main criteria for people to choose electrical appliances in the kitchen scene. In order to allow more consumers to enjoy the ultimate experience brought by high-quality home appliances, JD Home Appliances launched the “Super Home Appliances New Product Season” in March, and joined hands with the high-end kitchen appliance brand Vatti to bring blockbuster new products.

In this JD home appliance super new product season, Vantage teamed up with JD Home Appliances to launch a new home appliance “Vatti Space Master Cabinet Machine A2”. This hood focuses on the high-end aesthetic needs of the new generation of users. It not only integrates the ultra-thin shape with the cabinet design, creating a new form of kitchen hood; If it is suitable, you need to do a lot of work on the decoration pain point of the cabinet. Vantage’s hood has been fully considered in the thickness design of the hood. The thickness of the body is only 355mm, which is almost the same as the depth of most domestic kitchen wall cabinets, and it can be flush with the cabinet. For installation, there is no need to remodel the cabinet, and it will not block the line of sight and worry about bumping into each other. In addition, the height of the hood is also optimized according to the cooking habits of Chinese people, only 288mm. This design can reserve more cooking space and achieve a wider view. You don’t have to worry about using a multi-layer steamer every day. It can be pushed against the hood, and you can operate it with confidence even if you need to flip the spoon. The design is very user-friendly. In terms of performance, it is also very strong, with a suction force of up to 24.5m³/min and a wind pressure of up to 900Pa. It is the best choice for open kitchens and semi-open kitchens.

In order to better help the renewal and upgrading of the kitchen scene, JD Home Appliances and Vantage also provided consumers with better services and practical discounts for the first new products. These include the welfare policies such as the “100 yuan subsidy for old trade-in” and “30-day price guarantee” provided by Vantage, and the “new product launch 12-period interest-free” and “10% discount for old trade-in” brought by JD Home Appliances.

In addition, Vantage will join hands with JD Home Appliances to continuously launch more than a dozen new home appliances in September and throughout the year, including range hoods, gas stoves, disinfection cabinets, gas water heaters, dishwashers, built-in appliances, etc. Renewal needs of different consumers for home appliances. At the same time, based on the communication resources inside and outside JD.com, Vantage and JD Home Appliances will carry out actions such as resource co-construction, new varieties of grass, and advertising. It is estimated that the total investment in resources will exceed 100 million.

“As long as it is beneficial to consumers, we must continue to do it firmly.” This is JD.com’s attitude towards consumers. For a long time, JD.com and Vantage have maintained close cooperation. Relying on JD.com’s ultimate supply chain advantages and resource integration capabilities, they have continuously delivered Vatti’s high-end kitchen appliances to users, realizing a new win-win situation for channels, brands and consumers. situation.

In the development of the home appliance industry, JD Home Appliances has always been committed to helping brands create explosive models, winning voice, sales and word-of-mouth, and contributing to the growth momentum of domestic home appliance brands. In the future, JD Home Appliances will continue to work with Vantage to launch more new home appliances and favorable policies to meet consumer needs, bring more benefits to consumers, and continue to work hard to promote the healthy development of the home appliance market.


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