New consumer brand unicorn summit held in Hangzhou Jane Eyre yogurt shortlisted for TOP100 list


Not long ago, the New Consumer Brand Unicorn Summit, which has attracted much attention from the industry, was held in Hangzhou. The event was hosted by Blue Shark Consumer, and 300+ new consumer star companies and 50+ star investment institutions gathered together. At the meeting, Blue Shark released several lists including “2022 New Consumer Brand Future Unicorn Top 100”, “2022 Consumer Investors Top 10”, “2022 China Good Products Top 100”, among which Jane Eyre Yogurt has been outstanding in the past year. Performance, topped the “2022 New Consumer Brand Future Unicorn TOP100” list.

At this conference, Blue Shark Consumer selected the “2022 New Consumer Brand Future Unicorn TOP 100” based on multiple dimensions such as project valuation, track potential, team configuration, marketing capabilities, product strength, channel capabilities, and supply chain integration capabilities. . Jane Eyre Yogurt, as a fast-rising emerging company in the field of low-temperature yogurt, has been cultivating the track for many years and has formed a differentiated core advantage. The award not only demonstrates the full resilience of Jane Eyre yogurt in the face of the impact of the epidemic and the second half of new consumption changes, but also reflects the industry’s authoritative recognition of Jane Eyre’s development achievements over the years.

The reason why Jane Eyre yogurt has been recognized by many consumers and industry authorities is that, in addition to accurate insight into user needs and grasping new consumption trends, its continuous deep cultivation in the field of milk source and supply chain construction has also become a new potential to help the brand continue to grow .

In terms of supply chain construction, Jane Eyre Yogurt has invested a lot of manpower and material resources to build a “factory + ranch” integrated super supply chain. At present, the super supply chain located in North China has settled in Fengning, Hebei Province, which can ensure the transportation of high-quality raw milk to the production link in the shortest possible time while achieving full traceability. Among them, Jane Eyre Ranch’s milk source standards have been innovated again and again. At present, the protein content is ≥ 3.3g/100g, the somatic cell count is ≤ 150,000/ml, and the total number of colonies is ≤ 10,000 CFU/ml, far exceeding the standards in developed regions such as the European Union and Japan. .

Today, as new consumption enters the second half, brands need to rely more on endogenous power for long-term development than relying on external dividends. Jane Eyre yogurt takes root in the additive-free track, and the development path for consumers to continuously improve product quality undoubtedly points out the direction for new consumer brands that are hesitating.

And if innovation is the key to Jane Eyre’s long-term brand vitality, then the deep cultivation of the supply chain is the cornerstone of Jane Eyre’s brand resilience. Throughout the development history, from the birth of the first cup of yogurt to the rise of the super supply chain, Jane Eyre yogurt is taking practical actions to find a feasible path for the high-quality development of the dairy industry, creating a steady stream of growth potential for the long-term realization of the brand’s value .


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