Minsheng Bank Tianjin Branch successfully held the “How Steel Is Made” Minsheng peer offline activity


Tianjin Branch of China Minsheng Bank strives to create a parent-child financial brand “Minsheng Peer”, continuously understands the needs of parent-child families, conducts in-depth explorations in innovative applications, public welfare practices, financial business popularization and other dimensions, and uses finance as the engine to empower children’s literacy education and self-management , Stimulate Chinese family wealth management and good parent-child relationship.

At the beginning of the spring of 2023, the “Minsheng Walking Together” offline activity organized by Tianjin Branch of Minsheng Bank entered Tianjin Iron and Steel Group, kicking off the curtain of the “How Steel Is Made” research experience tour.

The research and study tour successively entered and experienced the real scene of modern steel production on the spot, visited the art sculpture garden, environmental protection ecological garden and interactive experience garden one by one, experiencedA number of environmental protection measures of “Green Factory”, have a more intuitive understanding of the process of “quenching and tempering” steel, as well as the development of industrial civilization and modern technology.

The children participating in the study tour, under the guidance of the teachers in the “little craftsman class”, turned scrap steel slag into treasure and made it into steel art, which was full of experience. I also learned the deeper meaning behind “how steel is tempered” from another angle, which aroused everyone’s new experience, new perception and new thinking, and further enhanced the desire to learn and communicate.

“The study tour made it easier for me to understand the knowledge in books. From raw materials to molten iron to steel, it has to go through thousands of times of smelting and forging, just like learning. Only through continuous learning can we become talented.” An elementary school student excited say.

“I never knew that hard steel is made through so many processes, let alone that the working environment of workers’ uncles is so hot. Here, I learned a lot of knowledge that I couldn’t learn in class.” A fourth-grade child He said that in the future he will study harder and be a useful person to society.

“Let students walk out of the classroom, into the factory, and grow up in practice. This activity has greatly expanded the space for students to learn and experience.” A parent sighed sincerely.

The children walked into the history of steel during this research and study, and felt the changes of the times and the take-off of the motherland from the process, and deeply planted a deep patriotic feeling in their hearts. Minsheng Bank Tianjin Branch will carry out more practical activities such as social welfare, parent-child research, and literacy improvement, focusing on the needs of characteristic customer groups, creating a characteristic parent-child service platform, and allowing children to unlock more exciting experiences.


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