2023 McFooddie “Factory Opening” is coming to an end!Born free, naturally more beautiful


In order to let more excrement scavengers understand the production process and raw material quality of their pet’s rations, so that scavengers can feel more at ease, McFuddy’s “Factory Opening” event will also be held as scheduled in 2023, and it will end perfectly! Pet experts come to Guaibao Pet Food Group to participate in the “Factory Opening” activity of McFuddy, which seems to have become a small agreement between the shit shovel officer and McFuddy.

The opening of the factory in 2023 also has a lot of highlights, and McFuddy specially added an “art exhibition” link. Just in time for the March 8th Festival, from the perspective of women and cats, McFuddy projected the commonality of nature and freedom between the two into real works, which aroused strong emotional sympathy and appreciation for the event among the female excrement shovelers at the scene. Theme of thinking.

The well-proportioned and natural art exhibition site allows everyone to feel the power of women and cats in nature in the works of “natural charm”, appreciate the deep emotions of female shit shovelers and fur children, and feel the emotions conveyed by the works Perceive the charm of nature and freedom.

The works in the art exhibition reveal the shit-shoveling officer’s recognition of cats living in a natural home environment, which also coincides with the concept of scientific feeding of McFuddy’s BARF series products in a real and natural home environment: I hope that every day Under the natural home environment and scientific feeding on this basis, every cat can naturally burst into a free state and vitality.

In terms of ingredients, McFuddy has always selected high-quality raw materials traceable to nine natural ingredients. The natural raw materials are only to meet the natural dietary needs of a mouthful. In terms of equipment, Wenger equipment can directly add a large amount of fresh meat, and the amount of fresh meat added online can reach 70%. For cats who love meat, BARF can release the cat’s carnivorous nature to the greatest extent. In terms of technology, the freeze-drying process is the secret tool for keeping freshness in BARF production. Freeze-drying technology can dry raw flesh and blood in a frozen state under low temperature and vacuum, killing bacteria and parasites by freezing, and can not only preserve the quality of raw flesh and blood The nutritional ingredients can also slow down the oxidative deterioration of the product, allowing cats to easily restore wildness during diet.

The shit-shoveling officers also saw the whole process of McFuddy from raw material acceptance testing-ingredients-production-packaging-irradiation. The quality control of this process is also supervised and grasped throughout the process. The factory opening activities over the years will allow consumers to enter the real and transparent production line to witness the birth of cat food. This is a fine tradition of factory playing. The excrement shovelers came to the workshop after being disinfected layer by layer, and felt the orderly workshop, the professionalism of the staff, and the seriousness of pet food safety.

In order to make everyone feel more at ease about cat food, McFuddy also put creative dishes made of BARF raw materials on the dining table for everyone to taste during the lunch session. This is also a demonstration of McFuddy’s confidence and determination. Cat food is the most direct contact with cats every day. From the selection of raw materials to the coordination of palatability, from the strict production process to the strict quality control from the inside out, McFuddy is always guided by the natural needs of cats, so that They enjoy natural, healthy and delicious products.

After clocking in the art exhibition and seeing through the production line, all experts visited the Pet Nutrition Research and Development Center, which protects the nature of cats, and had a deeper professional discussion at the BARF product exchange meeting. The BARF feeding method has achieved a perfect balance between the product concept and the needs of cats, once again at the forefront of the combination of concept innovation and product innovation, and created an era of pet feeding 3.0 that is more vital than delicious food.

The opening of the factory ended perfectly,"Born free, naturally more beautiful"As the theme of this factory opening, on the occasion of March 8th Women’s Day, it also entrusts McFuddy’s good hopes: women can be more confident, freer, not defined, and not easy to compromise. Furry children can have a wider living space, healthier feeding methods, and be happier and more agile.


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