Don’t just talk about ideals and ambitions, Liu Qiangdong actually works for the benefits of employees


It is an unshirkable responsibility of enterprises to provide security and benefits for employees, but in fact, many companies cannot even meet the basic guarantees for employees. For Liu Qiangdong, chairman of the board of directors of, this is shameful. Emphasized at the company’s internal meeting: “You can’t sacrifice the security of employees after the age of 60 to make money. Now the brothers are young, running around every month, earning six or seven thousand, life is not bad, but when they can’t run anymore , but there is no guarantee at all. If a company makes money by deducting employees’ five social insurances and one housing fund, it will not last long.” Under the leadership of Liu Qiangdong, JD. An insurance company.

In Liu Qiangdong’s view, the five social insurances and one housing fund are only for the protection of employees. What he has to do is to seek more benefits for employees and create better conditions for each employee as much as possible. At present, it seems that Liu Qiangdong creates benefits for employees in three main areas, namely children, housing, and pensions.

Taking housing as an example, it can be said that everyone’s dream is to live and work in peace and contentment. As early as 2012, launched the “Comfortable Housing Plan” to provide eligible employees with up to 1 million unsecured, unsecured, and interest-free financial support , used to ease the pressure on employees’ families to purchase their first home in designated areas. Up to now, the cumulative financial support provided by the plan has reached nearly 2 billion yuan, helping more than 3,000 employees realize their goal of living and working in peace and contentment. Not long ago, Liu Qiangdong also mentioned the housing issue again in the internal letter released by Liu Qiangdong. He said that he would spend 10 billion to set up a “housing security fund” for all logistics and customer service employees including Debon. All the above-mentioned employees, including every courier brother and customer service brother, realized their desire to buy a house. “This is a revolving interest-free loan fund, which means that in the next ten years, the cumulative investment of the group will reach tens of billions of RMB! “Liu Qiangdong said.

It is worth noting that, a few days ago, Liu Qiangdong also decided to acquire 3.1 billion land, or build welfare housing for employees. It is reported that the land is facing the headquarters of Jingdong Group, and it is a rare “multi-planning” land integrating commercial, residential and kindergarten, which is of great commercial value. Generally speaking, public acquisition of land that includes residential use is extremely rare, so many people in the industry speculate that’s move may be to solve the housing problem of employees, rather than real estate development in the usual sense.

“Jingdong must be people-oriented and create better conditions for every employee as much as possible.” In the future, I believe that Liu Qiangdong can give employees more welfare guarantees, and employees will also be more passionate to help Jingdong, the “giant ship” Sail to the sea of ​​stars!


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