Which brand of hair dryer is good? Chaimi Technology Shaoguang high-speed hair dryer has excellent performance and does not hurt hair


Since the hair dryer came out, its fast drying performance has attracted a large number of users. Today, in most families, the hair dryer is an indispensable household appliance, and its functions have gradually expanded from simple hair drying. From hair care to creating new hairstyles and other fields. For this reason, how to choose a hair dryer that can not only protect hair but also meet the needs of various hairstyles has become an urgent matter to be solved. So which brand of hair dryer is good? In terms of performance and experience, Zoumi Shaoguang high-speed hair dryer has given users a great surprise.

【High-speed motor, super wind speed, let you achieve fast drying】

The core technical point of the high-speed hair dryer is the high-speed motor. With the blessing of the 110,000 rpm high-speed motor of the Zoumi Shaoguang high-speed hair dryer, the super-large hurricane power can quickly dry the surface of the hair. From the data point of view, its elasticity and toughness will be increased by about 37.1%, the degree of moisture will be increased by about 19.5%, and the gloss will be increased by about 62%.

We all know that drying hair requires a combination of airflow and heat. However, the strong wind power of the high-speed hair dryer from Chasing Technology can help guide hair care energy into the hair root and hair strands, greatly improving the elasticity, moisture, and gloss of the hair, and making the hair dry, knotted, and brittle And other issues become a thing of the past. On this basis, the new 82mm hair dryer design and streamlined air duct design allow the hair dryer to dry hair faster with higher air output efficiency through greater air volume. Short, shoulder-length hair dries in just two minutes.

[Micro-plastic blow protection, dual-energy synergy, let you enjoy hair blowing and hair care]

The uniqueness of Chami Technology Shaoguang high-speed hair dryer is that it has carefully developed a new generation of micro-plastic blowing protection technology. First, it innovates the design of essence bombs, such as the essence bomb known as “Rosewood Morning Light”, which condenses raspberries, cherries in the morning , The aroma of roses, the subtle and multiple aromas silently interpret the unique taste of the atmosphere aesthetics, while blowing the hair, it also gives the hair an essence care.

In addition, the Zoumi Shaoguang high-speed hair dryer adopts double-needle platinum negative ion technology, which not only helps lock the moisture in the hair, but also makes the hair smooth and elegant. It is worth mentioning that, for ordinary negative ion hair dryers on the market, the negative ion release rate drops rapidly after 3 months, and almost zero after 1 year. However, according to the relevant experimental reports, the negative ion release volume of the high-speed hair dryer of Zhuimi Technology has only a very slight attenuation within 12 months, and the release volume has always remained at the level of 100 million units.

Which brand of hair dryer is good? Chami Shaoguang high-speed hair dryer uses 8 kinds of wind temperature and wind speed combinations to choose from, 4 kinds of wind temperature and 2 speeds of wind speed can be switched at will, it can dry hair at high speed without damaging consumers’ hair, and lead more users to open a brand new hair dryer lifestyle.


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