Himalaya awarded medals to “Voice Volunteers” to practice the concept of cultural goodness


2022 is the tenth year since the establishment of Himalaya. The platform recently awarded the “Voice Volunteer” medal to pay tribute to the anchors, public welfare partners and all walks of life who have worked with Himalaya for many years and used their voices to do great love. It is understood that the anchors who have won the medal come from different industries. They use their voices to care for disadvantaged groups, help the disabled and the blind, and help cultural inheritance, making contributions to the development of public welfare undertakings.

The participating groups of Himalayan “Voice Volunteers” are extremely wide, such as entertainers and stars, experts and scholars, elementary school students, retirees, and many public welfare organizations. For ten years, Himalaya and the “Voice Volunteers” have been adhering to the concept of “sharing human wisdom with voice and serving a better life with voice”, adhering to the concept of culture for good, actively undertaking corporate social responsibilities, and giving full play to the social value of voice come out.

Combined with the characteristics of its own audio products, Himalaya, together with “Voice Volunteers”, helps the disabled and visually impaired groups to achieve multiple employment. Wang Huiling is a visually impaired girl born in the 1990s. After graduating from university in 2022, she will become the anchor of Himalaya. She has broadcast more than 5 million words of audio novels. Wang Huiling also provides free audio guidance for the visually impaired. She hopes that more blind people will have multiple career choices, better display their personal value, and realize their dreams in life.

Caring for special children is also something that Himalaya has been working hard in recent years. Zhou Xun, a co-actor on the platform, launched the charity project “ONE NIGHT for Children” to care for special children. The radio station of the same name has already been launched on Himalaya. Zhou Xun turned into a voice volunteer and program anchor, and used his voice to accompany the children to explore the mysterious Peach Blossom Land in the story. The content focused on children’s general education, and the topics covered science, nature, biology, art and other dimensions. Since the project was launched, it has helped special groups of children such as blind children, poor children, left-behind children, deaf-mute children, mentally handicapped children, trafficked children, and dyslexic children.

With the development of the audio economy, the sound track has attracted the attention of all walks of life, attracting many public welfare institutions, organizations and Himalayas to use the power of sound to convey their positive public welfare ideas. WWF and the Himalayas once launched the “Hear the Voice of Nature” listening list on “Earth Hour”, calling on everyone to turn off the electronic screen, listen to the voice of nature with their ears, and contribute to environmental protection in the form of public welfare science popularization . The Chunhui Boai Charity Foundation, which cares about the education of orphaned and disabled children in welfare homes and left-behind children in rural areas, joined hands with Himalaya to make the poems written by bereaved orphans into sound, so that the group of bereaved orphans can get more attention and love.

In the future, under the guidance of the mission of “sharing human wisdom with sound and serving a better life with sound”, Himalaya will continue to adhere to the concept of cultural goodness and actively undertake corporate social responsibilities.



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