Looking at brand development from consumption upgrades, Wolong Nuts leads the new trend of the industry


The fast-paced life orientation of modern social life makes the new economy of “one person eats” the best choice for young people. The portability of small-package products satisfies the consumption concept and lifestyle of young people. At the same time, the small package is light in size, convenient for storage and easy to carry, and the small package is also convenient for sharing with others.

For example, the “Daily Nuts” pioneered by Qingdao Wolong Food Co., Ltd. met the needs of young people in pursuit of health and convenience in recent years, and quickly opened up the market.

The emergence of any new trend is often due to changes in the consumer itself, and so is packaging. Behind the popularity of small packages lies the rising young consumer market and the constant changes in consumer lifestyles.

It is reported that while providing consumers with a healthy, convenient and edible nut product all year round, Wolong has also launched a new category of “mixed nuts”, giving new vitality to the industry.

Since then, while continuing the characteristics of small packaging, Wellon has gained insight into the diversified needs of consumers. Focusing on the product strategy of “Nuts + X”, Wellon has expanded diversified product categories such as single-product nuts, nut gift boxes, and baked goods containing nuts. Develop towards a multi-category, multi-level comprehensive snack food manufacturer.

Along the way, the self-built factory in Qingdao is a powerful guarantee for the nutrition and deliciousness of Wolong nuts.

From the procurement of raw materials to processing, production and sales, Wolong Foods adheres to strict standards throughout the process, so that the quality of its nuts is consistent.

On the raw material side, Wallon seeks high-quality nuts from all over the world and has established a strong and stable supply chain. Adhere to seasonal picking, strictly control the quality of products, and ensure that every nut is plump and fresh.

On the production side, Wallon adopts a production model based on independent production. Its production workshop is decorated and designed in accordance with GMP standards, introducing industry-leading production equipment and sterilization technology; using light processing technology to fully retain the natural nutrition and fragrance of nuts, ensuring the crisp freshness of nuts and the soft but not greasy taste of dried fruits .

It is reported that its self-built factory has passed the BRCGS (Global Food Safety Standard) system certification for many years and obtained the A-level certificate.

On the sales side, Wallon pays great attention to the scene-immersive shopping experience. Based on its omni-channel layout, it has established an omni-channel and three-dimensional sales system covering online and offline.

From loose weighing to small package retailing, from classified purchase to mixed nuts, Wallon has created a “new way of eating” nuts. As the development of the snack food industry enters the fast lane, Wolong is accelerating innovation and moving towards a more refined, healthy and professional development path.


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