Longjiao San Emotional Interaction Exhibition debuts in Beijing to interpret the healing and warmth of female friendship


3.8 Women’s Day is coming again. In addition to praising women’s hard work and paying attention to women’s self-expression, how can brands resonate with female users? Ryukakusan, a Japanese century-old throat care brand, has given a brand new answer – to speak out for women’s friendship. Recently, the female friendship-themed emotional interactive exhibition “Thank you for coming to me” created by Longjiao San has landed in Beijing Blue Harbor. The event focuses on story exhibition and emotional expression. Fresh and interesting interactive games filled the festive atmosphere and attracted many citizens to check in and visit.

Many people talk about “female friendship” with subtle emotions or preconceived prejudices, and even create negative words such as “female competition” to interpret female friendship.

In order to break the stereotype of women’s friendship in the current society, Longjiaosan launched a collection and discussion on the theme of women’s friendship on the whole network, inviting netizens to post photos and stories of themselves and their girlfriends, or write a true confession to their girlfriends. In this solicitation, nearly a thousand pairs of girlfriends shared their stories and shared photos of their friendship. Ryukakusan presents some of the collected true stories and confessions in the form of an emotional interactive exhibition, allowing visitors to experience the reality and warmth of female friendship up close.

Through real and touching friendship stories and a warm and romantic atmosphere, Longjiao San’s “Thank you for coming to me” women’s special exhibition attracted pedestrians who came and went. Find empathy and warmth in it.

As the first emotional interactive exhibition of Ryukakusan, this event integrates functions such as “story exhibition + girlfriend photo check-in + game interaction”, creating an immersive interactive experience in an all-round way, bringing visitors a unique viewing experience experience.

In addition to the offline emotional interaction exhibition, Longjiao San also cooperated with Sanlian Life Weekly to launch the real-life interview video “Thank you for coming to me”. Through the interviews with 20+, 40+, and 80+ women, it shows that women protect and protect each other. The power to heal.

The Longjiao San 3.8 Women’s Day themed event took a unique approach, taking “female friendship” as the starting point, focusing on the warmth and protection between women, and rectifying the name of “girlfriend love”, which aroused the resonance of many female users. The Longjiaosan brand stated that female friendship is a sense of peace of mind that protects each other, heals at any time, and is always there when needed, just like the healing and protection that the Longjiaosan brand has provided for every user for a long time. Ryukakusan also hopes that through this “Thank you for coming to me” female-themed event, more people will pay attention to the power of “Girls help girls” and speak out for female friendship.

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