“Battle of Arat” open beta today to challenge Uzi to win an iPhone


The multi-style casual social shooting mobile game “Battle of Arat” is officially open today! The main theme of the game is “Anyone can win”, so that more players can experience the joy of victory while relaxing; more than 20 characters with different styles bring more levels of game experience. Not only that, at 8:00 tonight, the legendary e-sports player Uzi will join hands with the well-known Go player Zhanying to bring players a wonderful live broadcast, and Zhou Jiao, who plays the role of the black magic fairy Xiaoyue, will join in mysteriously. If you defeat Uzi in the game or fly a war eagle, you will have a chance to get an iPhone 14 Pro!

  Anyone can win!a happy victory

“Battle of Arat” is different from the status quo of other games that are difficult to learn, difficult to operate, and hard to rank. It has created its own style mode for each player. The easy-to-learn operation lowers the shooting threshold, and novices can quickly integrate into it; the ranking with no score loss on the ladder, no longer worry about losing points when encountering pit teammates, and truly achieve “anyone can win”. Expert players can also find their own fun, a variety of map modes and 20 character skills to play a pleasing combo. In terms of character selection, “Battle of Arat” is also extremely diverse, providing players with multiple types and styles of characters to choose from. Each character has distinctive characteristics, different skills, and completely different positioning on the field. Melee, far combat, assistant or assassin, long-range sniper or fire suppression, there is always a role that suits you.

  Get an iPhone if you win!The three major anchors gathered at Station B

In order to welcome the public beta ceremony of “Battle of Yalat”, the three anchors also prepared a feast for the players at station B. The legendary e-sports player Uzi will start the live broadcast of “Battle of Arat” at 8:00 p.m. Whether the once strongest shooter can continue his genius operation, if the matched player defeats Uzi in the game and wins the MVP, he has a chance Get an iPhone 14 Pro. The well-known Go player Zhanying will also form a team with players to score points in Yalat, and players who can fly Zhanying will also have the opportunity to win the iPhone 14 Pro. Zhou Jiao, who played the classic role of Black Demon Fairy Xiaoyue in “Ba La La Little Demon Fairy”, will also connect with Uzi and Zhanying as a mysterious guest. Let us wait and see what kind of jokes the three anchors will bring.

  ? Whose DNA moved!Magic linkage awakens childhood memories

Zhou Jiao, as the actor of the Black Demon Fairy Xiaoyue, will bring the first set of “Dark Demon Fairy” skins in the server to all players. And the linkage between “Battle of Yalat” and “Ba La La Little Demon Fairy” has also officially started. In the game, players can meet Xiaolan Xiaolan, Youyou Prince and Xiaoyue Dark Fairy, and return to the Fairy Castle to wake up the magical memories of the past together!

The public beta of “Battle of Arat” has officially started today, invite your friends to go to the game adventure together!


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