Sensors released “CDP Global User Linked Data System Construction and Practice”


With the gradual deepening of digital transformation in all walks of life, the bonus period of market traffic growth has gradually faded. From the past “traffic is king” to today’s “stock intensive cultivation”, many companies choose to build a customer data platform (Customer Data Platform, referred to as CDP) to improve the operating effect of the user’s full life cycle. Multi-terminal accumulation of customer data assets and deep mining of the consumption value of existing customers have become an important direction for enterprises to realize digital operations.

As early as 2016, the concept of CDP first appeared in Gartner’s digital marketing and advertising technology expectation curve. With the development in recent years and the epidemic accelerated the process of digital transformation of enterprises, the number of domestic enterprises purchasing CDP is increasing. According to the “2021 Brand CDP and Marketing Digital Transformation Report”, it is estimated that after 2021, the scale of China’s CDP market will continue to maintain a double-digit rapid development, and it is expected to reach 8 billion yuan in 2025.

However, contrary to the ever-increasing popularity of the CDP market, many companies that try to implement CDP projects have not seen the expected ROI results in the short term, and the initial investment and later output are asymmetrical, which has also severely affected the confidence of companies in building CDP. , There is even a view that “90% of CDPs have become decorations”. At this stage, China’s data market is still in the stage of barbaric growth, and the CDP project focuses a lot of energy on data governance. In the process of CDP data construction, enterprises have encountered problems such as fragmentation of user data, inconsistent data standards of upstream and downstream systems, and contamination of user data. However, “inconsistent user data identification” has become a key issue in the construction of the current enterprise CDP data system. .

Sensors Data’s white paper “CDP Global User-Associated Data System Construction and Practice” starts from the path of enterprise CDP data system construction, focuses on the key issue of global user-associated (ID-Mapping) data governance, and analyzes the key pain points of user-associated data governance , put forward the user-linked data system construction guidelines, aiming to improve the quality of CDP user data and lay a solid foundation for the subsequent global refined operation. Finally, combined with the practical exploration and experience accumulation in the global user association process of many enterprises, it provides reference and reference for specific applications in various industries, and finally realizes the digital operation upgrade.


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