With the emergence of cycling boom, Yadea took the lead in “carrying the banner” for the recovery of the auto market


Taking advantage of the spring, traveling with family members has become one of the hottest topics recently. With the rapid recovery of the cultural tourism market, national tourism consumption enthusiasm continues to rise. In the spring when everything is recovering, it has become a popular choice for young people to pick up a popular Yadea GN electric car for a walk-and-go trip.

Recently, Yadea’s omni-channel sales have continued to heat up. There is an endless stream of users queuing up for test drives and snapping up purchases at terminal stores and square event sites in Jinan, Luoyang, Anhui, Wenzhou, Changzhi, Shaoxing, Rugao and other places. Long queues can be seen everywhere. The shop assistants who are so busy at night all testify to the popularity of Yadea in the hearts of users. Yadea has attracted countless fans with its distinctive product labels and extreme user experience. “Riding Yadea for an outing” has become the consensus of users, helping global sales to soar again.

(Riding Yadi to go outing)

Today’s users are no longer satisfied with simple travel tools, what they need is a green travel lifestyle with both control experience and driving pleasure. With strong market insights and R&D capabilities, Yadea can meet the diverse needs of users. For example, Yadi GN Q7, the same model of CCTV Spring Festival Gala, has super long battery life and can easily reach 100 kilometers. Both with experience.

On the track of electric two-wheeled vehicles, iResearch’s consumer research report shows that battery life, power performance, and intelligent experience are the main considerations for consumers, and batteries and motors are the core components. That said, it is both an opportunity and a challenge. At present, electric vehicle brands such as Yadea have launched self-developed motor systems to improve vehicle performance.

Over the years, Yadea has continuously promoted the construction of intelligence and technology, and strives to use smart technology to create a new two-wheeled electric travel in the future. Among them, the YADEA OS smart center, which is the world’s first launch of Yadea, has opened a new era of technological travel for two-wheeled electric vehicles. It can realize many world-leading smart technologies such as smart car control, smart travel APP, smart sleep, and automatic headlights.

Yadea’s hot sale has been widely recognized by users around the world precisely because it insists on being user-centered and strives for a better travel for users. In the future, Yadea will continue to adhere to the leadership of high-end technology, continuously launch competitive products and services, and achieve continuous leadership in the global green technology travel storm.


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