In 2023, the new tea market will improve in an all-round way, and Shanghai Ayi Fresh Fruit Tea is ready to go


Recently, according to the “2022 New Tea Drinks Research Report”, it is predicted that the new tea drinks market will gradually enter a stable operating state in the first quarter of 2023. The entire market is expected to usher in a “celebration-style” sales market in the second quarter, and the overall performance will improve in an all-round way. Industry insiders also predict that in 2023, new tea brands will also become more “introverted” and enter the era of “competition among heroes”.

Shanghai Auntie Fresh Fruit Tea Store

As a strong brand in the new tea drink market, Shanghai Ayi Fresh Fruit Tea has achieved remarkable results in recent years. Up to now, the number of stores has exceeded 5,000, and the annual hot sales in 2022 will exceed 350 million cups.

Since its establishment in 2013, in just ten years, how did Shanghai Ayi Fresh Fruit Tea lead the way in terms of the number of stores, sales volume and word-of-mouth in China?

The answer is first of all inseparable from “products”. Good products are “hard currency”. If new tea brands want to develop in the long-term and stand out in the tea drinking track, products are always the core competitiveness.

Shanghai Auntie fresh fruit tea has a professional fresh fruit tea research and development team, which develops from multiple perspectives, such as seasons, consumers, and the characteristics of the ingredients themselves. In 2022 alone, Shanghai Ayi Fresh Fruit Tea has successfully created a variety of popular products such as the “Super Top Prickly Pear” series, “Xianxian Qingti” series, and “Fresh Stewed Pear” series. Among them, the “Fresh Stewed Pear” series pays tribute to the traditional craftsmanship of Xiaodiao pear soup. Selected crown pears are freshly boiled and incorporated into innovative tea bases and small ingredients. It has become the best choice for consumers in winter when colds are common, and the sales volume on the market has broken through. 6 million cups.

Secondly, in terms of “quality control”, Shanghai Auntie’s Fresh Fruit Tea is also outstanding. Through years of continuous cultivation of the supply chain, Shanghai Ayi Fresh Fruit Tea has built 8 large storage and logistics bases, 6 fresh fruit cold chain large warehouses, 22 cold chain front warehouses, and 4 national equipment warehouses in the country. The national cold chain coverage is close to 100%. It has become one of the few new tea brands in China that can realize the unified delivery of fresh fruits.

Whether it can increase the experience of the consumption process is becoming more and more important in the “involution era” of new tea drinks. Shanghai Auntie Fresh Fruit Tea takes advantage of the name of the place of origin “Shanghai” and integrates the concept of “fashionable tea originating from Shanghai” into the brand concept, which greatly improves the recognition of industry attributes. At the same time, it has further captured the hearts of young consumers through high-value stores, unique brand personality, and packaging images.

Shanghai Aunty Fresh Fruit Tea said that in the future, it will make every effort to ensure the high quality of a cup of fresh fruit tea from the orchard to the dining table. While bringing consumers high-quality and cost-effective healthy fresh fruit tea, it will resolutely protect the safety of consumers on the tip of their tongues.


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