“Listen, the story of the village committee!” Guangming Yoube’s “Like a good person” annual sharing gathering warmly kicks off


On March 1, 2023, under the guidance of the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau, Shanghai People’s Broadcasting Station’s “Direct 990” program and Bright Dairy co-hosted “Listen, the story of the village committee!” – Guangming Yoube “liked the good people” “Annual Sharing Meeting kicked off warmly. Ning Jing, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Oriental Broadcasting Center, and Ben Min, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Bright Dairy Industry, launched a new season of “Like for Good People and Praise for Good Neighbors in the Community” on the spot. Community worker representatives, industry representatives, Hundreds of spectators, including citizens participating in the “Like a Good Man” column and the audience of “Straight to 990”, participated in this event on the spot.

  The twilight becomes a torch, walk towards the light

Compared with previous years, 2022 is not easy, but in this “difficulty”, thousands of workers from the community, medical, police and other positions are united in the same direction, sticking to their posts without hesitation; Bright Dairy and Countless residents have silently dedicated their strength to the community, attracting Shimmer with Shimmer.

As the health “gatekeepers” closest to citizens, community doctors have played a vital role in special times. At the event site, Zhu Lan, chief physician of general practice at Xietu Street Community Health Service Center in Xuhui District, shared her experience and experience in community medical work for many years, and interpreted her original intention and mission of providing comprehensive health services for residents. Sun Yan, a representative of outstanding community workers and director of the Fifth Residential Committee of Liangcheng Xincun Street, Hongkou District, also shared his work experience on the spot: in the face of complicated community work, he acted vigorously, presented facts and reasoned; faced difficulties and needed help When he was a resident, he was gentle and delicate, and stood up. Because of his “soft and hard” work style, he is affectionately called “Durian Director” by the residents.

  Guangming Youbei likes the 2022 role model representative

For more than a year, Shanghai Radio’s “Direct 990” program has always polished the brand of “like good people”, tapped the “twilight” of the community, built a space for dialogue, invited more than a hundred model workers and craftsmen to enter the program, and promoted the “power of city role models”. “. At the event site, the four role model representatives and the “Praise for Good People” figures of the year were all announced.

Ning Feng, a national model worker, deputy secretary and president of the National Convention and Exhibition Center, shared his unremitting pursuit of leading the team to “create high-quality products and handed down masterpieces”; Talking about how many residents will prepare meals and leave them at the door of their homes during special times, and let the riders take them by themselves, which brought him moving; Dr. Wang Ruilan, a red-banner pacesetter in Shanghai on March 8th and director of the Emergency Critical Care Department of Shanghai First People’s Hospital, said : “I just did what a doctor should do”; National Advanced Worker, National March 8th Red Banner Bearer, Secretary of the Party Branch of Tianlin Shisan Village Residential Area, Tianlin Street, Xuhui District, Su Rong affectionately shared his deep friendship with the community , confessed his original intention for many years: “Bringing happiness to others is the best state.”

In addition, red scarves were awarded to ten citizen representatives who had “liked good people” in the omnimedia matrix of “Straight 990”, aiming to encourage citizens and netizens to continue to discover beauty and pass on love in life.

  Bright Ube “likes good people” and strives for 2023

This year, “Like a good person” will come up with new ideas, and Guangming Youbei will also accompany the “Straight 990” team in the footsteps of more communities in Shanghai, using short videos, “Lianmai”, audio and video live broadcasts and other integrated media forms, Start a new journey of discovery by liking the heart-warming people and things around you.

The sitcom “Take You to See Our Home” by the crowded community troupe of Pengpu New Village Street in Jing’an District vividly interprets the residents’ united efforts to create a beautiful home.

Residents love to drink Bright Ubeinong Alcohol 4.0g protein high-quality fresh milk is a sincere upgrade brought by Bright Dairy. It carefully selects high-quality pastures, GAP first-level certified pastures, high-standard breeding, high-standard management, and high-quality milk. High-quality milk source, achieving raw milk that is superior to EU standards. 220mg/L immunoglobulin, 4.0g/100ml fresh milk protein, 135g/100ml high-quality milk calcium, newly upgraded nutrition, bringing you more freshness.

Bright Ube’s high-quality fresh milk, with high standards and strict requirements, continuously improves the pasteurized milk sterilization process, retains more original active nutrients in raw milk to the maximum extent, and is the first to mark the active nutritional values ​​​​such as immunoglobulin on the packaging. Lead the development of fresh milk industry.

To light up goodwill and gather warmth, Bright Dairy adheres to the corporate vision of “Let more people experience delicious and healthy happiness”. While striving to improve product quality, it actively undertakes social responsibilities, spreads warmth and beauty, and creates A century-old dairy company with coexistence of technology, quality and temperature.



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