Empathizing with young consumers, Wallon Nuts keeps up with new consumption trends


Today, with the improvement of residents’ income level and quality of life, consumers’ pursuit of a healthy and quality life has become increasingly prominent, and keywords such as health, nutrition, personality, and convenience have become hot spots of public attention.

Against this background, the leisure snack industry is also ushering in a new round of changes. Among them, brands represented by Wolong Nuts have also integrated into this development trend. Emphasizing the need to “eat well” and “delicious”, Qingdao Wolong Food Co., Ltd. has built a product system around nuts and launched hundreds of nutritious and delicious products such as mixed nuts, single-product nuts and baked foods containing nuts.

Satisfying the taste buds on the basis of healthy nutrition has become a new demand of more and more people.

When “Wollong Daily Nuts” was created for the first time, Wolong fully considered the taste matching, combining the mellow aroma of nuts with the sweet and sour of dried fruits. A pack of nuts brings multiple delicious enjoyments to the tip of the tongue.

According to reports, “Wollong Daily Nuts” includes almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, dried cranberries, dried blueberries, etc. Consumers can not only eat 6 different kinds of dried nuts at one time, but also have It can meet the nutritional needs of an adult with a daily intake of 25g of nuts.

The emergence of this cross-age and phenomenon-level product has made the Wolong brand “out of the circle” quickly, which not only stimulates the growth of the new generation market, but also enriches the eating scenes of nut products. The products are deeply loved by white-collar workers in first- and second-tier cities and young people who pursue a healthy life, leading the domestic nut market into a new era.

It is worth mentioning that because nuts and dried fruits grown in different regions have unique taste and quality, Qingdao Wolong Foods integrates the global supply chain of high-quality nuts and dried fruits, and implements strict procurement standards in order to Ensure that every nut raw material is full and fresh.

In order to deliver consistently high-quality, good-tasting nuts to consumers, Wolong has built its own factory in Qingdao to build a food-grade production workshop; it implements light processing techniques in production to make its nuts lock in nutrition while maintaining the original flavor and aroma.

Consumers prefer diversified tastes, which also determines the direction of Qingdao Wolong Foods to develop a diversified taste market. Black pepper cashews, green pepper cashews, honey butter almonds, domineering durian cashews, cherry blossom and lychee-flavored bubble almonds… Aiming at new tastes, Wolong explores the taste needs of modern people and brings multiple choices to consumers.

Nowadays, for many nut lovers, sharing Wolong nut products has become a new social “food” trend in festival gatherings, receiving relatives and friends, traveling and leisure and other scenarios.



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