Dingjie Athena knowledge platform lays a solid foundation for the intelligent operation of enterprises


Smart enterprise is a new paradigm for enterprises to win competition for themselves and create value for customers in the era of digital economy. It is a self-driven enterprise, and all of this needs the support of knowledge, which is the utility of the platform in knowledge.

About Knowledge Center

The so-called knowledge platform is a full-cycle, intelligent enterprise knowledge empowerment platform, which can provide enterprises with efficient and convenient knowledge organization and application capabilities, meet the needs of intelligent business scenarios, and solve the lack of most enterprises’ ability to build and use knowledge Pain points, using structured and unstructured data, explicit and tacit knowledge for multiple collection, intelligent storage, application of knowledge and operation promotion, and then form a closed loop to build an enterprise knowledge brain.

Dingjie Athena Knowledge Center helps enterprises to operate intelligently

Dingjie Athena, with the digital intelligence drive + mission pilot mode, helps enterprises to achieve new operations in the future. Based on the public service capabilities of Zhongtai, Dingjie Software has successfully created many cloud service applications based on parts manufacturing, equipment manufacturing and other industries, and Knowledge Zhongtai is one of them. The Athena Knowledge Center can build enterprise knowledge productivity, provide scenario-based knowledge services for enterprise application systems, satisfy knowledge everywhere, anytime, across applications, and across terminals, change the bottleneck of unstructured data reuse, and promote enterprise digitalization Transformation to realize smart operation.

(The picture shows the business blueprint of Dingjie Athena Knowledge Center)

1. Five core advantages

(1) One-stop collection of multi-source enterprise knowledge: Based on the one-stop collection function of enterprise multi-source data, it supports the automatic collection of multi-scenario data such as relational databases, non-relational databases, file systems, and electronic diagrams and documents within the enterprise;

(2) Automatic knowledge extraction and governance: extract and manage collected knowledge sets based on AI capabilities, automatically classify and label based on semantics, and use NLP to assist in mining data value;

(3) Low-code platform for knowledge content: Based on the user’s perspective to gain insight into data, realize the personalized packaging of knowledge services, and satisfy the scene-based knowledge experience of thousands of users;

(4) Intelligent knowledge computing base: With the help of AI and cutting-edge deep learning technology, establish an industry knowledge map and provide customers with intelligent knowledge services, such as intelligent data recommendation, question-and-answer text robots, etc.;

(5) Knowledge security and compliance: Provide 5 data security control mechanisms to reduce data transmission, storage, and use risks, provide log compliance storage and unified audit platform, and help users achieve safe operation and business compliance.

2. Five application values

(1) Efficient knowledge management: Provide one-stop knowledge collection, storage, management, collaboration, use and other services for enterprises, and realize cross-organization, cross-system collaboration and knowledge management.

(2) Guarantee of safe and compliant knowledge application: establish a 5-layer data security control system to provide all-round protection for enterprise data.

(3) Intelligent and anthropomorphic knowledge application: Based on the industry knowledge map, provide enterprises with intelligent knowledge services, such as document assistants, service robots, etc., and build an industry knowledge map to improve the quality of enterprise knowledge and user experience.

(4) Eliminate knowledge islands: establish a safe, intelligent, and easy-to-use integrated knowledge management platform to provide enterprises with a unified storage architecture, data governance architecture, low-code design platform, and knowledge service capabilities to meet the rapid application and expansion of new business for enterprises .

(5) Scenario-based knowledge service: Through business centralization, the core structured data and unstructured data of the business system are uniformly converted into knowledge services, providing high-performance and low-cost storage and management solutions, and then promoting knowledge reuse.

Written at the end: For enterprises, knowledge empowerment is no longer just management, but empowerment. In the VUCA era, enterprises need to build a knowledge management system, build an enterprise knowledge platform, integrate knowledge with business, and help enterprises effectively achieve empowerment. I believe that with the help of Dingjie Athena Knowledge Center, it will definitely help companies strengthen personal precision, organizational collaboration, and business intelligence, and realize their own value reconstruction. If you want to get more information about the Athena knowledge center solution, you can go to Dingjie Software official website/Dingjie Software official account for consultation.



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