The beautiful scenery of Jianyang in Shuxiang Nanping, Super 8 Select Hotel will take you to appreciate it!


Many people don’t know much about Nanping. In fact, Nanping is a city, and Jianyang is a district under the jurisdiction of Nanping. It’s just that Jianyang District is the administrative center of Nanping City. In Jianyang, Nanping, there is the beautiful Wuyi Mountain, the natural oxygen bar Mandang Mountain, the leisurely and quiet Xiyuan Nunnery, a good place to escape the summer heat, and Shaowu’s unique scenery of Danxia Xiaowuyi, the thousand-year-old city of Peace, and the revolutionary red golden pit. These are part of the attractions in Nanping City, and they are also places worth visiting.

Jianyang District is adjacent to Songxi County and Zhenghe County in the east, Jianou City and Shunchang County in the south, Shaowu City and Guangze County in the west, and Wuyishan City and Pucheng County in the north. , “Linhaizhu Township” is famous in Fujian Province. In Song Dynasty, it was famous all over the world as “the house of books” and “the famous state of Confucianism”. It really has a long history!

So when you come to Nanping Jianyang, where do you want to live? It is recommended to stay at Super 8 Select Hotel Nanping Jianyang Shangshui South Road Branch. The hotel is located on Shangshui South Road, Jianyang City, the hometown of Zhu Xi, a famous Song agent scholar in northern Fujian, Fujian Province.

The hotel rooms are clean, spacious and bright, hygienic, beautiful environment, warm and comfortable, with a variety of room types, complete facilities, warm and thoughtful service, it is a good choice for business travelers.

The hotel will continue to uphold Super 8’s global “clean & friendly” international standard service, create a warm and comfortable living environment for guests, enjoy a comfortable sleep, and harvest an exquisite night!

The hotel has a free breakfast, providing guests with local specialties; 47-inch Internet smart TV, creating a top visual feast for guests; free parking spaces allow guests to easily enter and exit, and travel by car without worry; all rooms are carefully crafted, in modern decoration Integrating local traditional cultural elements, it is unique.

After reading the above content, do you want to go to Nanping Jianyang to feel the fragrance of books there? Book now, Super 8 Select Hotel will take you to meet Nanping Jianyang, come and stay at Super 8 Select Hotel Nanping Jianyang Shangshui South Road Branch, give you the warmest hotel experience!


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