Healthy New Year’s Candy “Out of the Circle” Longjiao San Creates a New Paradigm for Spring Festival Drama Scene Marketing


Under the new retail business model, scene-based marketing is favored by more and more brands, especially drama marketing, which has become the first choice of scene-based marketing for many brands due to its strong interaction and adaptability to the situation. As the first marketing node of the new year, the marketing of Spring Festival dramas has always been a “must fight” for the scene marketing of various brands. In the many TV dramas that were screened during the Spring Festival this year, many viewers found the familiar figure of Ryukakusan, a century-old voice protection brand in Japan, and consumers successfully remembered the slogan of “Healthy New Year’s candy, just eat Ryukakusan”. .

  Emphasize eating sugar and eating health in the new year, effectively realizing product differentiation marketing

The Spring Festival is a time for emotional expression and a hot spot for Chinese consumption, especially the candy market, which has always been deeply tied to the Spring Festival. Major domestic and foreign brands are fighting for the “Spring Festival stocking season”, trying to occupy a place in the Spring Festival market. Therefore, if you want to “break out of the encirclement” in the “Spring Festival Candy War”, unique product selling points that meet consumer needs have become the top priority. Therefore, during this year’s Spring Festival, Longjiao Sanda launched the unique positioning of “healthy New Year’s candy”, and set off a new wave of “healthy” in the traditional candy market that focuses on delicious and sweet New Year’s goods.

Young Chinese consumers pay attention to health preservation, and health is an important consideration when purchasing food. The “McKinsey Illustrated Guide to Healthy Consumption” report pointed out that more than 60% of Chinese consumers regard health as the top priority in their daily lives, especially as the epidemic has made Chinese consumers pay more attention to health.

As a century-old throat care pharmaceutical company in Japan, Ryukakusan is well-known in the field of throat health care. With its natural herbal ingredients and refreshing taste, Ryukakusan has become a must-have for many users. The Ryukakusan Herbal Powder Sandwiched Throat Lozenges displayed in this drama launch have become popular among consumers when purchasing New Year’s goods because of their dual taste + natural herbal formula, which also makes the product positioning of “Healthy New Year’s Candy” more justified.

  Deeply cultivate scene-based marketing to realize the cultivation of consumers’ mind + conversion drive

Good brand marketing is not only for the purpose of selling products, but to promote a lifestyle to consumers, thereby enhancing consumers’ recognition, favorability and loyalty to the brand.

Therefore, in the first round of big drama marketing this year, Longjiao San became the “harvester” of the big drama IP, focusing on the family reunion in the New Year and enjoying the scenes of good dramas. Scenario-based advertisements are embedded in a large number of popular dramas such as “Do you know if you know whether it should be green, fat, red and thin” and “Zuo Son-in-law”. Relying on the support of big dramas and the popularity of actors, Ryukakusan received a lot of attention during the Spring Festival.

At the same time, Longjiao San has also dug deep into multiple scenes such as Spring Festival reunion and blessings, softly infiltrating the healthy Chinese New Year concept of “eating Longjiao San and living a sound year”, allowing users to enjoy every sweet moment during the Spring Festival holiday , all accompanied by Ryukakusan.

In this Spring Festival drama marketing, Longjiao San takes advantage of the high exposure and high-touch characteristics of the drama, multi-dimensional, wide-ranging brand exposure, and highlights the precise scene of the product, so that Longjiao San becomes a This kind of lifestyle makes consumers interested in products, setting off an upsurge of “buy the same style” and “eat the same style”.

  Socialize out of the circle, chat with fans and chase dramas

The current development of social platforms has upgraded the experience of chasing dramas from “you broadcast and I watch” to “chasing while chasing” and “immersing in it”. The “big drama marketing + social” gameplay can fully mobilize consumers’ enthusiasm for interaction and participation.

In the promotion of this Spring Festival drama, Longjiao San’s official Weibo launched a prize-winning activity of “Watching the drama together to find Longjiao San”, which attracted a large number of fans to participate.

Grasping such a “social code”, Longjiao San will follow the drama with the audience, share and discuss topics derived from the plot, maintain the brand popularity of Longjiao San, and continue to consolidate consumers’ recognition of “Longjiao San Healthy New Year Candy” Know.

Relying on the precise control of the scene-based marketing of major dramas and the precise positioning of products, Longjiao San’s New Year marketing of “Healthy New Year Candy, Just Knock Longjiao San” has achieved a double harvest of traffic and word-of-mouth, and has also contributed to the great success of various brands. Drama marketing provides a new marketing idea with a wider reach and greater volume of communication.



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