Ye Guofu continued to polish the localization development strategy, and MINISO achieved strong development overseas


At noon on November 14, 2022, MINISO Group announced the unaudited financial report for the first fiscal quarter of fiscal year 2023. According to the financial report, as of the end of September, MINISO has entered 105 countries on five continents. The number of global stores is close to 5,300, and the number of overseas stores has reached 2,000+, accounting for about 40% of the total number of stores. Among them, the net increase in the third quarter was 191, a year-on-year increase of 10.4%. From this data, it is not difficult to see that MINISO’s overseas strength has been continuously improved, and the success of its overseas strategy has also brought more thinking to retail companies. .

The success of MINISO overseas is not only due to the superiority of Ye Guofu’s “hobby consumption”, but also the leap forward of MINISO in supply chain and products. After making a precise analysis of the market, Ye Guofu, the founder of MINISO, relied on his large-scale and refined supply chain integration capabilities to find a dynamic balance between rapid innovation and quality assurance, which made MINISO The brand MINISO quickly seized the overseas market, showed the demeanor of Chinese enterprises, and made the world refresh the definition of “Chinese brand” again.

It is understood that MINISO adopts an advanced supply chain management system to support supply chain management. This digital supply chain management system provides suppliers with real-time terminal sales data, allowing the entire circulation link to Every link on the Internet can share data, which is equivalent to a data center we see in today’s software companies or game companies. This kind of data sharing is a basic data guarantee that supports MINISO to do a good job in global supply and global business. On this basis, the supply chain efficiency of MINISO is different from that of many consumer goods companies going overseas. gap.

In addition, MINISO also paid special attention to regional differences when expanding its overseas stores. Based on the consumption concepts and habits of various places, it innovated some store concepts. In October this year, MINISO opened 4 stores in Canada. This new store is based on the characteristics of the local market, launching the concept of “$ 2plus”, making special features in terms of product prices and categories.

The advantages of the supply chain and products are superimposed to match the local consumer preferences. This kind of innovation is more competitive in the current market environment, especially in the current market background of global trade disputes.

After years of precipitation and experience, the popularity and competitiveness of MINISO overseas have continued to increase, and the achievements of globalization have continued to emerge, bringing more hope for the development of the retail industry. In the future, MINISO will continue to grow. Give back to consumers with a more sincere attitude, and create a high-quality and beautiful life experience for hundreds of millions of consumers around the world.

(Article: Xueqiu, Author: Jianidea)


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