Adhering to the financial mission of the Republic of China, Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch built a solid defense line against money laundering risks


Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch thoroughly implements the anti-money laundering requirements of the regulatory authorities, takes the vital interests of the people as the starting point, and takes protecting economic security as its own responsibility. It continuously strengthens the publicity and popularization of anti-money laundering laws, regulations and related knowledge, gathers internal driving force, and promotes the spirit of compliance. , comprehensively improve employees’ anti-money laundering awareness and duty performance capabilities.

Go deep and solid to strengthen the construction of anti-money laundering positions

Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch combines anti-money laundering work with consumer rights protection, preventing and cracking down on illegal fund-raising, and cracking down on gangs and evil. It uses business outlets and community banks as its positions, makes full use of the “smart outlet” digital system, and carries out regular publicity And a series of special publicity activities such as “Anti-Money Laundering Publicity Month”, “National Security”, “National Drug Control” and “National Anti-Gambling”, let anti-money laundering knowledge “enter communities” and “enter enterprises”, achieve good publicity effects, and win Widely recognized by the masses.

Innovative anti-money laundering propaganda format that touches the ears and hearts

Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch combined with local characteristics to produce the Tianjin Allegro promotional video “Stay Away from Money Laundering and Prevent Risks” to ingrain anti-money laundering awareness into the public’s mind in a popular way. In addition, Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch also carries out regular offline financial knowledge promotion voluntary service activities to promote financial knowledge, popularize the dangers of participating in money laundering crimes, and create a social atmosphere of “national anti-money laundering”.

Demonstrate effective results and improve the anti-money laundering system

Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch makes full use of internal and external expert resources to strengthen internal anti-money laundering management capabilities, conduct multi-angle and multi-level training activities, and organize middle- and senior-level personnel, Business line personnel participated in a series of courses to ensure the healthy development of banking business in compliance with regulations. Tianjin Branch also actively cooperates with regulatory authorities in compiling documents of international anti-money laundering organizations, participates in the collection, translation and compilation of international anti-money laundering dynamic information, and continuously expands the high-level vision of anti-money laundering management.

Accumulate small streams to become rivers and seas, accumulate steps to become thousands of miles. Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch is committed to continuously improving the professionalism and effectiveness of anti-money laundering work, adhering to its original aspirations amidst the rapid development and changes in the financial industry, contributing to building a defense line against money laundering for the whole society, and contributing to the protection of financial and economic security.


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