Drip Group Tianjin Investment Promotion Conference was successfully held


On April 11, the exchange conference “Gathering Global Capital to Connect Tianjin, Hong Kong and Macao” hosted by Drip Group and co-organized by Tianjin Group was held in Tianjin. Nearly 200 people from government departments, Hong Kong and Macao investment institutions, domestic consumer brands, digital service providers, local business circles and media representatives attended the forum.

With the theme of “Gathering Global Capital to Connect Tianjin, Hong Kong and Macao”, the forum will deeply explore the innovative combination of international capital and Tianjin’s economic development, enhance consumption formats, and create a new urban ecology. Focusing on the Drip Connect ASX platform, this event opens a window for consumer companies to attract international capital, tells Tianjin’s story well, helps Tianjin brand development, gathers industrial resources, and enhances the vitality of the consumer market. Interactive exchanges and resource integration among all parties will help promote new ways to revitalize consumption-empowered cities and make good use of new opportunities to use foreign capital to promote development.

Li Xiaojia, founder and chairman of Drip Group, mentioned in his opening speech that small and micro enterprises are the capillaries of the real economy. Only by opening up these capillaries can big money enter small stores. At the meeting, Li Xiaojia introduced in detail the concept and vision of Drip Tong ASX to connect international capital and Chinese small and micro enterprises, and looked forward to working with all walks of life and market parties in Tianjin to jointly create an investment and financing market ecosystem with diversified participation.

China’s large consumer market is a large market full of vitality and vitality. It is closely related to our daily lives and is the most direct manifestation of the fireworks in the world. In the past two years, Diguantong has cooperated with hundreds of consumer brands to empower labor entrepreneurs and support the small and micro economy.

At the event site, leveraging the huge advantages of Tianjin’s business environment and the good momentum of high-quality economic development, Drip irrigation network cooperated with Xihe Yayuan, Nanshan Ji, Wumart United Capital, Guaiguai Pet Hospital Chain, Dajili Cinema, Tuyou Convenience Ten companies, including Tianjin Store, Tanzili Barbeque, Xingluo Fusen, Yike Medical, and Shangyuwei, successfully signed cooperation agreements, providing a strong impetus for nationally renowned consumer brands to expand their business in Tianjin and helping Tianjin build an international consumer city.

In addition, Wu Yupeng, founding partner and president of Wumart United Capital, Lin Yusong, founder and chairman of Guaiguai Pet Hospital chain, and Huang Hehao, CSO of Tiancai Shanglong, brought about the new ecology of digital intelligent chains, the current situation of brand development, and new propositions of digital management Sharing on topics such as this.

The consumer industry is always in full bloom and full of vitality, and the consumer market in Tianjin is full of development opportunities. I believe that communication and progress from all walks of life can promote the further high-quality and long-term development of Tianjin brands and move towards a better future.


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