In spring, herpes zoster enters a high-incidence period. Doctors recommend getting vaccinated as early as possible to effectively prevent it. You can make an appointment on the vaccine appointment platform


After the Waking of Insects, spring warms and flowers bloom, and pathogenic microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria become active. Coupled with repeated climate changes, resistance has declined, and herpes zoster has also entered a period of high incidence. The severe ones are like a needle pricking a fire, and the pain is so painful that one “doubts life.”

A dermatologist said in an interview with the media, “The current herpes zoster vaccine is actually a relatively mature prevention method. We also call it primary prevention.” According to clinical studies, vaccination with the herpes zoster vaccine can greatly reduce the risk of shingles. The incidence rate of herpes zoster. Currently, residents can make an appointment for the herpes zoster vaccine through the vaccine appointment platform for quick vaccination.

Herpes zoster, commonly known as “waist-wrapped fire pill”, is an acute herpetic skin disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It commonly occurs in the chest and hypochondrium, head, face and lumbosacral region. The clinical manifestations are clusters of blisters on the skin, mostly distributed in a band shape, appearing along the peripheral nerve distribution area on one side, and causing local tingling.

Some experts said that herpes zoster mainly occurs in the following groups: First, there are more older people. Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old have a higher chance of getting herpes zoster, because as age increases, , the immunity will be relatively low; the second type of people mainly have some special diseases, such as malignant tumors themselves, or some blood diseases, or immune system diseases; the other is some sub-healthy people who stay up late for a long time, eat Irregularity and high mental stress can lead to low immunity.

Although most people with shingles can be cured, the pain of shingles is difficult to understand for those who have never experienced it. When it comes to shingles, prevention is better than cure.

According to experts, the main measures to prevent herpes zoster include living a healthy lifestyle, avoiding overwork, staying up late, catching cold, etc., and avoiding major mood swings, which can easily lead to a decrease in immunity and may also induce herpes zoster. In addition, getting the shingles vaccine is one of the effective ways to prevent shingles.

It is understood that Yamiao is a formal vaccine reservation platform that can provide multi-category adult vaccine reservation services such as shingles vaccine, influenza vaccine, HPV vaccine, pneumonia vaccine, and hepatitis B vaccine. Since its launch, the vaccine appointment platform service has received more than 6,000 vaccination institutions and 42 million users. Residents can choose the nearest outpatient institution and convenient time according to their own needs and schedule, avoid waiting in line on site, and save time and energy. , improve the convenience and efficiency of vaccination.


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