Shocked by a cry for help, UU errand boy Master Lu rushed to the rescue!


Pay tribute to every ordinary and great person. A seemingly ordinary act is enough to rewrite the life of a person or even a family.

On March 19, Linfen UU Errand Operation Center received a special call. The caller couldn’t conceal his excitement and choked up from time to time. He claimed that he wanted to find an unknown female master who ran errands for UU. The reason was that this female master was his savior!

After many rounds of communication and understanding with the UU errand customer service staff, we finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter. It turns out that just a few days ago, Linfen City staged a life-and-death rescue race against time. In this crisis, Master Lu Rongrong, UU’s errand girl, obliged and successfully saved the life of a patient with a sudden myocardial infarction on the road.

The interviewer recently got in touch with Master Lu. During the interview, he learned that Master Lu was preparing to leave the gate of the Asia Pacific Century Mansion Community after completing the delivery of the order that day. Suddenly, a sudden cry for help broke the calm. She turned around quickly and saw a middle-aged man lying on the ground, his face was pale, his breathing and heartbeat had stopped. Faced with this sudden change, Master Lu did not hesitate at all and quickly stepped forward to check the man’s condition. With her keen insight and calm judgment, she concluded that the man had suffered a myocardial infarction.

Time is life, Master Lu knows this very well. She decisively launched first aid and quickly performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the man. After intense and orderly rescue, the man’s complexion gradually returned to color and his breathing returned to normal. At this time, emergency personnel also arrived at the scene. After Master Lu handed over to them, he silently left the scene without leaving any personal information.

Master Lu’s kind deed spread quickly on social media, attracting widespread attention and praise. People praised her bravery and selflessness and praised her as a role model and role model for society. At the same time, facing the gratitude of his family and the attention and praise from the society, Master Lu behaved very humbly. She said she just did what she was supposed to do and that anyone in that situation would lend a helping hand.

People’s Daily once said: “The kind deeds of ordinary people are the most touching.” This incident not only demonstrated the noble quality of UU’s errand girls, but also conveyed the power of love in the world and demonstrated the warmth and social responsibility of the world!


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