In 2023, Yixuetang won multiple economic awards and promoted industry development by popularizing financial education.


At the 2023 Economic Awards Ceremony, Yixue Academy won a number of economic awards for its outstanding contributions in the field of financial education. These honors not only highlight the influence of Yixue Academy in popularizing financial knowledge and improving public financial literacy, but also reflect its remarkable achievements in promoting the development of the industry.

Since its establishment, Yixue Academy has always adhered to the mission of “enabling 100 million people to learn financial management easily” and is committed to providing the public with comprehensive and systematic financial knowledge. By offering a variety of courses and activities, we help students establish a complete financial knowledge system and cultivate correct investment concepts and risk awareness. The innovation and practice of this education model have promoted the rapid development of the financial education industry and injected new vitality into the healthy development of the financial market.

It is worth mentioning that Yixue Academy has always adhered to the innovative practice of financial education, especially the exploration and application in the field of AIGC (artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, blockchain and other new generation information technologies). Yixue Academy deeply understands the huge potential of artificial intelligence technology in the field of education, and actively deploys artificial intelligence technology to empower the entire process of teaching services. It is understood that Yixue Academy will use large language model technology to understand the intention of users’ words and sentences to gain in-depth insight into needs. By analyzing students’ historical data and behaviors, it will extract students’ knowledge level, learning style and other preferences, and formulate more efficient and suitable solutions. Their learning plans and resources provide students with a personalized learning experience; as intelligent assistants, large language models will also assist lecturers in answering students’ questions. In the future, students are expected to obtain detailed, accurate, and real-time information through dialogue with large language models. answers to further enhance students’ learning effects.

It is precisely because of Yixue Academy’s emphasis on teaching quality and continuous innovation that it has been able to obtain these honors and achievements. This is the industry’s recognition of Yixue Academy’s contribution to the financial education industry in the past year, and it is also the expectation that it will continue to deepen educational services and promote industry development in the future. Yixue School should also continue to uphold its original aspirations, continuously innovate education models, improve the quality of education, provide the public with more high-quality educational resources, and provide strong support for the stability and healthy development of the financial market.


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