NetEase Cloud Music Vinyl VIP membership has been officially upgraded, and members can enjoy membership benefits on smart devices such as cars, TVs, and watches.


On March 28, NetEase Cloud Music announced a major upgrade of its important membership service “Vinyl VIP”. From now on, all vinyl VIP users who use NetEase Cloud Music on smart terminal products such as cars, TVs, and watches, You can enjoy unimpeded access to member music library, member sound quality and other related membership rights. And they have also become the first platform in the online music industry to enable basic members to enjoy multi-terminal membership services.

“Vinyl VIP” is an iconic membership service launched by NetEase Cloud Music. It provides users with services such as free listening to member music libraries and free access to member sound quality. It has long been widely praised by the user community. With the popularization of smart life, the number of users using smart devices other than mobile phones to listen to music is growing rapidly.

In order to meet the needs of more users, NetEase Cloud Music has officially upgraded the “Vinyl VIP” service this time, allowing all vinyl VIP users who use NetEase Cloud Music on smart devices such as cars, TVs, watches, etc. You can enjoy NetEase Cloud Music’s massive music content and high-quality sound services anytime. In all aspects of life, you can feel the convenience and consistency of NetEase Cloud Music’s multi-terminal ecosystem.

NetEase Cloud Music also stated that it is always committed to providing users with a consistent and best music experience. After the rights upgrade service is launched for smart terminal vinyl VIP members, you can enjoy the high-quality music content and services provided by NetEase Cloud Music on smart devices such as cars, TVs, and watches.

In fact, this is another heavyweight vinyl VIP rights upgrade launched by NetEase Cloud Music for a wider user group after the previous launch of the “5 yuan student membership” benefit. Prior to this, NetEase Cloud Music had just launched a student-exclusive membership package in December last year, targeting users aged 14-22, with prices as low as 5 yuan per month.

It is understood that the rights enjoyed by this student member cover more than 20 exclusive rights and interests of NetEase Cloud Music Platform, including services such as downloading paid songs from a massive music library and enjoying lossless sound quality. NetEase CEO Ding Lei also said in the NetEase Cloud Music site update at that time: “There are many young people in our Yuncun community. Now the price of student membership has been reduced to only 5 yuan per month. We will give back to everyone as much as possible. Yuncun hopes to be closer to young people. I will also provide better service and wish everyone a happy listening experience!”

At the same time, this is another service upgrade made by NetEase Cloud Music in the multi-terminal market. Previously, NetEase Cloud Music has successively launched service upgrades from different aspects such as content, sound quality, and products in order to face the multi-terminal market with an increasing number of users. For example, in 2023, NetEase Cloud Music launched sound quality upgrade measures for large-screen usage scenarios, bringing high-quality sound quality such as Dolby Atmos, ultra-clear mastering, immersive surround sound, and high-definition sound to TV products, becoming a domestic One of the first online music platforms to achieve multi-terminal coverage of Dolby Atmos content.

At the product and service level, NetEase Cloud Music has also taken the lead in launching the “cross-terminal playback” function on domestic music platforms, which enables the content playback function between different terminals such as TVs, cars, mobile phones, and PCs. “The content of the same account can be played between different devices.” “Uninterrupted” music experience. A series of service upgrades also allow users using different devices to experience the beauty of music.

After upgrading the vinyl VIP membership rights this time in response to the real needs of users, NetEase Cloud Music will continue to optimize the user services and brand image of the vinyl membership system in the future, and continue to create an upgraded sense of VIP service experience for users, allowing users to use different Users of the device can feel the high-quality services of NetEase Cloud Music vinyl membership.


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