A visible and implementable AI marketing event! The 8th Social Media Trend Conference is here~


The fog in 2024 is the ocean of complicated information; the difficulties in 2024 are the ups and downs of the market; the ups and downs in 2024 are fast-growing and fast-dying competition; the vitality in 2024 is the sonorous and powerful artificial intelligence.

In this new technological era, AI is spreading and shining in the industry. Innovative projects, thousands of brand-new scenes, countless wonderful short films, and dreams of live broadcast rooms ignite the enthusiasm of the enterprise and achieve marketing brilliance!

In response to the Second Session of the 14th National People’s Congress and the implementation of the “Artificial Intelligence +” action, under the guidance of the Huangshan Municipal People’s Government and hosted by Weiboyi and Huangshan Tourism, it was held with the theme of “AI Empowerment·Industrial Renewal” The 8th Social Media Trend Conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Huangshan from April 15th to 16th. The conference aims to have an in-depth discussion with content creators, MCN organizations, brands, media platforms, and local cultural and tourism units on the revolutionary innovation of AI on the industry, and jointly explore the integrated development and development of industry and social media, e-commerce industry and AI marketing. Implementation.

Industry renewal, marketing renewal, cultural tourism renewal, we invite you to immerse yourself in this AI event!

Focus on AI and lead the new marketing trend

This conference will focus on the innovative application of AI technology in the field of marketing, focusing on industry trends, marketing trends, platform trends, etc., and deeply explore how AI can redefine the marketing landscape, bring more efficient and smarter marketing strategies, and help enterprises Achieve marketing growth. There will be on-site guidance from super-famous AI entrepreneurs and the release of blockbuster AI marketing reports.

AI empowerment helps the development of cultural tourism

There was Zibo Barbecue before, Tianjin Uncle Diving, and Harbin Little Potato later. The cultural tourism industry has been particularly hot in the past two years. At the same time, as one of the important industries empowered by AI, it will receive the focus of the conference. Representatives from cultural and tourism bureaus and enterprises from various regions will jointly discuss how AI technology can empower the cultural and tourism industry, create smart tourism experiences, and promote the development of the cultural and tourism industry and cultural tourism + innovation.

Wind Direction Night-Award Ceremony

The Wind Direction Night is still the climax of the conference. In addition to previous awards, there will also be a series of awards in the AI ​​field, aiming to commend content creators, MCN organizations, and brands that have outstanding performance in AI applications, and to help the industry’s outstanding forces under AI technology. rise.

Explore the beautiful Huangshan Mountain

After a day of in-depth AI research and study, the second day of the Wind Direction Conference is an in-depth exploration tour of Huangshan Huizhou culture. The conference will organize content creators and others to visit Huangshan Scenic Area, Xidi Hongcun, Huizhou Ancient City and other places to experience the beauty of Huangshan Mountain. Start a unique Huizhou cultural journey.

Enter AI, catch up with AI, implement AI, let us explore together and create a new era of AI marketing!

What forward-looking AI insights and opportunities will there be? Stay tuned as to which celebrities will attend the event and who will win the many awards! From April 15th to 16th, see you at the beautiful Huangshan Mountain!

About Weibo Yi Social Media Trend Conference:

“Social Media Trend Conference” is a well-known annual event for thousands of people in the social media circle. The conference attracts top content creators, MCN organizations, social media platforms, brands, investors, and academic circles to discuss and explore new business and monetization opportunities. Wind direction, new opportunities.

Since 2016, the conference has been successfully held for 7 times, accurately predicting new opportunities and trends in many social media outlets such as short videos, live broadcasts, new consumption, and social e-commerce, and promoting industry development.

The conference covers 6,000+ MCN organizations, millions of content creators, 5,000+ internationally renowned brands, and mainstream social media platforms. The conference has a cumulative exposure of nearly 3 billion.

AI intelligence gives a profound mark to modernization; cultural inheritance is the ultimate romance unique to the Chinese nation. New strategies, new practices, new vision! At the 8th Weibo Yi Social Media Trend Conference, we sincerely invite you to gather forces from various industries with media platforms, self-media experts, MCNs, brands, e-commerce organizations, cultural and tourism bureaus, etc. to explore industry trends, identify development opportunities, and realize Influence fission breaks the circle!


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