Toys “R” Us pays tribute to the spirit of aerospace and joins hands with Wonderful Building Blocks to light up"Space dream


From now until mid-April, in order to pay tribute to the remarkable achievements of my country’s aerospace industry, Toys “R” Us and Keeppley will launch"Have fun and create space dreams"The theme activities invite more aerospace enthusiasts to explore the space through offline check-in flash mobs and online grass planting."Stars and sea".

Toys are no longer limited to play functions. Toys “R” Us has always used high-quality toys as a link to inspire children’s enthusiasm for learning and work hard for their dreams.This time, in cooperation with Wonderful Bricks, Toys R Us launched a product that is both fun and popular science."Long March 5-space mission","China’s manned space exploration"products and introduced"rover","lunar rover"and other innovative building blocks, as a carrier to increase children’s aerospace knowledge. Children can truly feel the unique charm of aerospace science and technology through interesting cognition and experience. I hope they can not only look up at the stars, but also pursue their dreams in a down-to-earth manner.

  "Have fun and create space dreams"The event kicks off a journey to pursue dreams in the space sky

From March 26 to April 15, Toys R Us offline stores will be fully open"Have fun and create space dreams"Activity.Children can take photos in specially opened check-in areas at 16 Toys R Us offline stores including Beijing Shunyi Hualian, Zhengzhou Xidi Port, Chengdu Global Center, Chengdu Mixc, Chengdu International Financial Center, and Nanning Mixc."little astronaut"For fun, you can get a limited-edition gift by completing online planting, and have the opportunity to draw a new Mars rover from the collection of wonderful building blocks. Toys R Us’ 139 offline stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shenyang, Chengdu and other places will have aerospace knowledge popularization manuals, introducing landmark aerospace miracles such as the Mars rover, the lunar rover, the Long March 5 launch vehicle, and the Chinese Space Station. , stimulating children’s desire for space exploration.

At the event “Have Fun and Create Space Dreams”, children happily checked in and took photos

From March 30 to March 31, three stores in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai carried out pop-up treasure hunt activities.The children are here"liftoff ticket"The previous episode gathered four in the history of spaceflight"First"stickers, you can participate in the aerospace building block building challenge in the aerospace science popularization experience area, obtain unique aerospace medals, immerse yourself in the advanced launch journey, and have the opportunity to win the ultimate prize – only 3 copies are available nationwide."Space trip parent-child tour"For study tour camp places, winning families can study at Guangzhou Nanyue Aerospace Research Center, Shenzhen Southern Institute of Space Science and Technology or Shanghai units. In addition, there are activities such as nationwide[Star Card]member benefits discounts and customized aerospace art bookmarks.

  True restoration"Aerospace heavy equipment" Continuously inherit the aerospace spirit

The vast starlight is brilliant and brilliant; the mysteries of the universe contain everything. In July 2020, my country’s first Mars rover, Zhurong, was fully loaded with space dreams and embarked on a journey to Mars."Journey to the Stars".In memory of Zhu Ronghao "Chase"A milestone in Star Journey, Toys R Us has introduced an equal-scale restoration based on real parameters."Zhuronghao"Mars rover products. Products include solar wings, obstacle avoidance cameras, terrain and navigation cameras,"fire"Character compilation, Mars surface composition detector, etc., multiple joint parts are flexible and movable to simulate the operating mode of the Mars rover. These exquisite designs not only demonstrate Chinese wisdom in an all-round way, but also illustrate the Chinese astronauts’ overcoming difficulties, courage to climb, and"Especially capable of tackling key problems"spirit of exploration.

Another lunar rover product is also authentically restored to the same proportions"Jade Rabbit", products include landing buffer mechanisms, rover release mechanisms, solar panels, robotic arms, etc. The lunar rover not only embodies the wisdom of generations of Chinese astronauts, but also demonstrates the Chinese nation’s dream of pursuing the moon by constantly moving forward and daring to surpass.

Real model-level Mars rover and lunar rover, building dreams towards the sky for 20 years

Toys R Us on sale"Long March 5-space mission"product, in order to demonstrate"Fat Five"The real charm of the Long March 5 launch vehicle, the pad printing design of the rocket has been optimized to make the appearance more restored, the shining base lights and the square head of the astronauts in the mission suit make the"Fat Five"The dazzling and sparkling reappearance in space also allows people to appreciate it again"Fat Five"Behind the success lies the aerospace spirit of a powerful nation with independent innovation, perseverance, rigor and pragmatism.

Toys “R” Us launches Long March 5 – space mission model, showing the true charm of my country’s first high-thrust launch vehicle

Another product sold by Toys “R” Us – China’s Manned Space Exploration, simulates the Long March 2, China’s only rocket that can carry out manned missions."divine arrow".

Toys “R” Us sells China’s manned space exploration model, restoring the Long March 2F launch vehicle and Shenzhou spacecraft

In addition, products such as the China Manned Space Station, Tianhe Core Module, large column section and small column section have not forgotten to pay tribute to the aerospace spirit of the times of forging ahead, not forgetting the original intention, and forging ahead, and injecting more positive energy into the next generation’s dream of space. Spiritual core.

A series of proportionally restored building blocks for the China Manned Space Station, Tianhe core module, large column section and small column section are to be unlocked

Toys “R” Us has been constantly making breakthroughs and upgrades, selecting high-quality, innovative and unique toy brands and products for more consumers of different ages, allowing children to build bridges to their dreams and grow towards the sun."Have unlimited fun". In the future, Toys “R” Us will continue to bring more high-quality toys to children and adults who are still young at heart, creating surprising and interesting play experiences for them.

  About Toys R Us China

Toys “R” Us Asia’s vision is to inspire the imagination and growth of the next generation through the power of toys and play. The company’s mission is to be a trusted leader in the toy industry, providing high-quality and inspiring toys and play experiences to children and adults who are still young at heart.

The company provides families with a curated range of premium local and international brands, innovations and products, an engaging loyalty program and immersive, interactive in-store play experiences that inspire learning at every stage of development.

Toys R Us Asia began entering the mainland Chinese market in 2006. By February 2024, it has opened more than 230 stores in more than 60 cities and enhanced consumers’ shopping experience through integrated online and offline operations.


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