Women’s Day benefit? Apple quietly releases M3 version of MacBook Air


Apple releases new MacBook Air. According to the official website, the new MacBook Air is equipped with the latest M3 chip, and its performance has been improved compared to the old model: Compared with the MacBook Air model equipped with the M1 chip, the speed is increased by up to 60%, and compared with the MacBook Air model equipped with the fastest Intel chip MacBook Air models are up to 13 times faster.

According to official news, there are two types of MacBook Air released this time, 13-inch and 15-inch. Both products adopt thin and light designs, and their appearance is basically the same as the old model. They are available in four colors and use one-piece aluminum The alloy body, the midnight color exterior specifically uses a breakthrough anodizing sealing process to reduce fingerprints, has a battery life of up to 18 hours, is equipped with a Liquid Retina display, and supports up to two external monitors. At the same time, the Wi-Fi speed has also been improved accordingly compared with the previous generation product.

  M3 version MacBook Air performance:

  • Run game masterpieces at up to 60% faster than the 13-inch MacBook Air model equipped with M1 chip1.
  • Using Photomator’s Super Resolution function for AI image optimization, the speed is increased by up to 40% compared to the 13-inch model equipped with the M1 chip; for customers who have not yet upgraded to a Mac equipped with an Apple chip, the speed is increased by up to 15 times1.
  • When processing Excel spreadsheets, the speed is increased by up to 35% compared to the 13-inch model equipped with the M1 chip; for customers who have not yet upgraded to a Mac equipped with an Apple chip, the speed is increased by up to 3 times.1.
  • Using Final Cut Pro to edit videos is up to 60% faster than a 13-inch model equipped with an M1 chip; for customers who have not yet upgraded to a Mac equipped with an Apple chip, the speed is increased up to 13 times1.
  • Compared with PC notebooks equipped with Intel Core i7 processors, MacBook Air delivers up to 2 times the performance, increases Internet browsing speeds by up to 50%, and increases battery life by up to 40%1

  MacBook Air uses AI technology

Under the current AI trend, Apple has inevitably begun to make efforts in AI. The M3 chip paired this time integrates a faster and more efficient 16-core neural network engine, which together with the accelerators in the central processing unit and graphics processor, accelerates device-side machine learning, allowing MacBook Air to continue to support the application of AI technology. Therefore, macOS can provide many intelligent functions to help users improve productivity and creativity, such as unique camera functions, real-time speech-to-text, translation, text prediction, visual understanding, accessibility functions, etc.

  Not much has changed:

The reporter checked the official website and found that the M3 version of MacBook Air has not changed much compared to the M2 version of MacBook Air. In addition to a slight improvement in performance, the new MacBook Air will be able to support two external monitors.

According to the official website, the new MacBook Air will be available for order in the near future and will be officially launched on March 8 (Friday).


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