Mass production of domestic 50-megapixel mobile phone sensors


Japan’s Sony has always been the leader in the field of CIS sensors for mobile phones, and its high-end products generally use the Sony IMX series. Among them, the 50-megapixel IMX766 is considered a classic. However, the SC550XS of the Chinese company Smartway has started mass production, and its specifications are even stronger than IMX766.

According to Smartway, 50-megapixel has become the mainstream configuration of the main camera of flagship mobile phones, and it will continue to be competitive for a long time in the future. In order to meet this market demand, the company has launched two different CIS products, namely SC550XS and SC520XS, which meet the needs of flagship main camera, front camera, ultra-wide-angle and telephoto cameras respectively.

As a product focusing on the high-end flagship main camera market, SC550XS has started mass production in the second quarter. Another high-end product SC520XS has also entered the stage of small-scale mass production.

Smartphone also plans to launch more new smartphone applications to provide excellent image quality.

Released in March last year, the SC550XS sensor has an ultra-high resolution of 50 million pixels, a pixel size of only 1.0 μm, and a film size of 1/1.56 inch. The product adopts the advanced 22nm HKMG Stack process, equipped with SmartClarity-2 imaging technology, SFCPixel and PixGain HDR patented technology, and has excellent imaging performance.

In addition, through AllPix ADAF technology, SC550XS achieves 100% full-pixel focusing, and is equipped with MIPI C-PHY 3.0Gsps high-speed data transmission interface. The product can meet the needs of flagship smartphone main cameras in terms of night vision full-color imaging, high dynamic range and low power consumption performance.

Compared with the main camera CIS of the previous generation 40nm process, under the advanced 22nm HKMG Stack process, the SC550XS has faster device speed and lower operating voltage, enabling the image sensor to operate at a higher frame rate and lower power consumption Work.

At the same performance level, the power consumption of the 22nm process is reduced by 30%. At the same time, combined with Smartway’s innovative low-power design, the working power consumption of SC550XS is 43% lower than that of similar products, providing better battery life for high-end smartphones.


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