China Consumers Association released 618 rights protection public opinion: nearly 100 million consumer rights protection


  “The session with the largest investment in history”, “the session with the largest investment in the whole industry”…

During this year’s 618 Shopping Festival, e-commerce companies such as Taobao, Tmall,, and Kuaishou all chanted the above-mentioned “extreme” slogan, trying their best to prove to the outside world their determination and intensity of investment.

What was the result? The China Consumers Association recently released a public opinion analysis report on “618” consumer rights protection.

From June 1st to June 20th,A total of 98,704,996 pieces of information related to “consumer rights protection” related to “618” were collectedamong which, there were 13,698,298 pieces of “Tucao” consumer rights protection information, accounting for 13.88% of the total consumer rights protection information.

Monitoring found thatDuring the “618” period this year, the negative information on consumer rights protection was mainly concentrated on online shopping (2,942,137), performance ticketing (1,097,844), and rights and interests rules (579,345).

Negative cases in online shopping include: online shopping for Siemens refrigerators received Duckling brand, Qianhe soy sauce customer service responded that maggots were alive after the product was opened and eaten, etc.

Daily trend chart of negative information about “online shopping”

Negative cases in terms of performance ticketing include: Songshan Music Festival suspected “skipped tickets”, netizens questioned “Mayday” concert order abnormalities, etc.

Daily trend chart of negative information about “performance ticketing”

Negative cases in terms of rights and interests rules include: a woman complained about Baiguoyuan group buying coupons and was ridiculed for buying melons, and Hu Bing’s 500,000 membership points of China Eastern Airlines were cleared, etc.

Daily trend chart of negative information related to “equity rules”

In this regard, the China Consumers Association puts forward three suggestions:

The first is to continue to strengthen the compliance management level of the e-commerce platform, calling on merchants and platform companies to strengthen “self-discipline”, to make up for the shortcomings in the implementation of the main responsibility and the restraint and control of operators on the platform, and at the same time continue to enrich and innovate The “heteronomy” means of platform governance has continuously improved the convenience, low cost and compensation of consumers’ remedies.

The second is to focus on promoting the clear and harmonious development of the cultural and tourism consumer market, and call on the regulatory authorities to not only do a good job of “supervision after the event”, but also do a good job of “regulation before the event”, so as to effectively increase the cost of violations of laws and regulations that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and effectively Improve consumers’ good experience in cultural and tourism consumption.

The third is to respond to the reasonable demands of consumers and improve the consumption experience, calling on all kinds of business entities to find and build more sincere and more benevolent business models, to meet more diverse and higher-quality consumer demands, and to create healthier, more rational and more High-quality consumption environment.


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