Cainiao Launches Self-operated Express “Cainiao Express”


On June 28, Cainiao Group announced the launch of its own high-quality express delivery service: Cainiao Express.

After six years of development, Cainiao Express has been upgraded from the distribution business serving Tmall supermarkets to the national express network. It focuses on quality services such as half-day delivery, same-day delivery, door-to-door delivery and night collection, and provides late arrival in nearly 300 cities across the country. Five 100% commitments: 1. Compensation for damage, compensation if you do not come to the door, interception on the way and change of destination on the way.

It is understood that Cainiao Express was born to meet the needs of high-quality express delivery in the market. It mainly focuses on “Cainiao’s self-operated, high-quality express delivery, easy to use and inexpensive”. and weight to provide a rich product matrix, covering all heavyweight packages such as large, small and medium-sized pieces and tiny pieces.

“China’s express delivery market is developing fast enough and large enough, requiring the logistics industry to provide multi-level supplies. Cainiao hopes to create more cost-effective quality services to meet the emerging needs of merchants.” Cainiao Group CEO Wan Lin said.

Six years ago, due to the insufficient supply of high-quality express delivery in the market, especially the scarcity of cost-effective quality express delivery services, Cainiao Express started to build a distribution network to support the development of Alibaba’s internal self-operated businesses such as Tmall Supermarket, and gradually integrate consumer experience Raise to the industry-leading level.

Over the past six years, the market’s demand for high-quality and fast services has continued to rise, but the supply has continued to be in short supply. Cainiao’s distribution network has also attracted market attention, and merchants have repeatedly expressed the hope that Cainiao will open up its own logistics capabilities. As Cainiao builds a nationwide mainline transportation and transshipment network, and comprehensively upgrades the delivery distribution network to a national express network integrating cross-regional distribution and dispatching, Cainiao Express is officially launched.

On June 28, at the Global Smart Logistics Summit, customers such as Adopt a Cow, Tsingtao Brewery, Timke, Oupolai, Hema and Intime Department Store signed contracts with Cainiao Express, which means that Cainiao Express has fully opened to the market. At the same time, Cainiao Express is also connected to the Cainiao supply chain, forming a half-day delivery service with Cainiao Warehouse, providing merchants with integrated warehouse and distribution quality services, and improving consumer experience.

According to reports, some flagship stores of the leading dairy industry Yili on Tmall began to try out the Cainiao express service last year. Complaints about logistics problems dropped by 30%, the logistics cost of the big promotion dropped by 30%, and the return rate was doubled. than increased by 10%.

Zhao Xiaomin, an expert in the express delivery industry, believes that the launch of Cainiao Express is essentially a response to market demand. Economical express delivery such as Tongda has formed a direct competition relationship.”

Cainiao Express is a domestic logistics business product that Cainiao will focus on this year. Cainiao is also accelerating the construction of international express delivery and overseas local express delivery.

It is reported that in the next ten years, Cainiao will focus on building a world-leading smart logistics network, creating three long-chain logistics networks of domestic, cross-border and overseas local, and at the same time forming three short-chains of terminal stations, logistics real estate and logistics technology. business.


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