“The Song That Plays Nice” this summer’s official announcement Luo Dayou Xue Zhiqian sang the classic OST with passion



With ten popular singers making their debuts and a huge list of classic memoirs in hand, how will this wonderful dialogue between drama and music be presented? On June 5th, China’s first all-star OST (film and television original soundtrack) music program “Songs That Play Good”, produced by Youku, produced by Qiwei Power, and named by Xilinmen, officially announced the lineup of artists. “Family of Good Listening” Gu Juji, Mao Buyi, Jin Zhiwen, Hu Xia, Lu Hu, Zhang Yuan, “Partners of Good Listening” Luo Dayou, Xue Zhiqian, “Singers of Drama” Yuan Yawei, Shan Yichun, “Speaking of Drama” Observation “Tuan” Dong Dongdong, Fang Qi, Wu Yao, and “Stalker Host” Zhang Dada enthusiastically joined, the lineup is full of surprises, and the memory of the golden songs will not be scattered. This summer, following the footsteps of classic dramas, let those familiar OST melodies come again played.

  Luo Dayou Xue Zhiqian heavily assisted ten singers to dial back the time of chasing dramas with OST

The program released the official announcement poster of the lineup, with a full atmosphere of light and shadow interlacing, highlighting the classic and advanced temperament of the program. In the starting lineup, the appearance of Luo Dayou, the “good partner of the drama”, made many fans who grew up listening to his songs look forward to it. This time he will start a cross-age dialogue with the millennial generation, so that more young people can hear those timeless melodies. And another partner Xue Zhiqian will also work together with Luo Dayou to assist in the competition, using “affectionate” to touch the hearts of the audience again.

The six members of the “Juhaoting Family” include new-generation singers and talented singers who have debuted for a long time. It is reported that Ku Juji will return to the stage as the only “singing” singer in the audience, and the expectations are full! And Hu Xia and Mao Buyi, two “big OST players”, will contribute more “Ye Qinghui” moments and stir up the DNA of the audience. At the same time, in addition to Jin Zhiwen, who has both talent and strength, will contribute to the show, “re-employment boy group” Land Rover Zhang Yuan also successfully “received” a music variety show and participated in the show in the form of a group. What is even more surprising is that the two powerful female singers, Shan Yichun and Yuan Yawei, will become “drama singers” to participate in the competition. What classic OSTs will they bring to share, and whether they can successfully join the “drama good family” Woolen cloth? Let’s get answers from the show.

  Unlimited expansion of the core competition system Family new concept drama combination leads new categories in the audio variety market

“Songs That Play Good” has established a brand-new concept of a comprehensive music family in the competition system, that is, all guests work together to strive for audience satisfaction, and strive for more seats for new OST singers, and eventually form the strongest OST singer group. Compared with music variety shows in the same period, the program competition system no longer emphasizes the competitive nature, but focuses on the concept of “infinite expansion”. The program also invited Dong Dongdong, Fang Qi, and Wu Yao to form the “Drama Talking Observation Group” to accompany the audience in an immersive chat and interpretation throughout the process, giving the audience real-time science popularization of the OST industry and the background of the drama. Similarly, the launch of the program will also fill in the blank category of “OST Music Comprehensive”, providing a richer music feast for the audience.

It is reported that Youku’s exclusive variety show “Songs That Play Good” will be launched in the near future. The program finds a resonant perspective expression that crosses eras and suits all age groups for the opera OST, awakening the forgotten time of laughter and tears. No matter which era you are from, you can feel the warmth from the OST in the time corridor of the series. Let’s look forward to the show together!


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