【Full of Qi】Traditional Chinese medicine tendon injury

【Full of Qi】Traditional Chinese medicine tendon injury


Tendon is the general term for tendons, fascia, tendons, ligaments, muscles, joint capsules, articular cartilage, etc.Tendons are the outer protective layer of bones.

The liver governs tendons and joint movement. Exercise belongs to tendons, and tendons belong to the liver. Only when the liver is filled with blood can the muscles be nourished and the muscles can be exercised powerfully and flexibly.

Insufficient blood in the liver, if the blood does not nourish the tendons, hand and foot cramps, numbness of the limbs, difficulty in flexion and extension will occur, and tendon injuries will also endanger the blood of the liver.

Where bruises are injured, tendons must bear the brunt. Fractures and joint dislocations must also cause tendon injuries. Violent blows, pressure from heavy objects, accidental falls, strong twisting, etc. can all cause tendon injuries. After the injury, the muscles or muscles are damaged or broken, and the collaterals are injured, the qi and blood are blocked, and hematoma is formed, causing pain and dysfunction.

chronic muscular injury

If the acute muscle injury is not treated effectively in time, if it persists for more than 2 weeks, the blood stasis will coagulate, and the local tissue may become hypertrophic and adhered, resulting in stagnation of Qi and blood at the injured area, and the blood will not prosper the tendons, resulting in muscle contracture, pain, Activity is limited and becomes a chronic muscular injury.

Frequent labor and overactivity in some parts of the body in daily life can lead to muscle fatigue and wear, poor flow of Qi and blood, fatigue and pain in movement, and can also lead to chronic muscle injuries.

Whether it is an acute muscle injury or a chronic muscle injury, the site of tenderness is often the focus. Changes in joint activity and the direction and angle of ligament movement are key points in diagnosis. Muscle injuries need to be differentiated from rheumatic swelling and pain, damp heat flow, etc. In addition, complications caused by tendon injuries, such as nerve damage and osteoarthritis, also need to be paid attention to.

“Pain due to blockage” is the main manifestation of tendon injuries. Manipulative therapy can relax tendons and collaterals, reduce swelling and relieve pain, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, warm meridians and dispel cold, correct misalignment, adjust bone sutures, loosen adhesions, eliminate stenosis, and smooth The role of joints is conducive to tissue repair.

Through manipulation, blood circulation is strengthened, temperature is raised, absorption of hematoma and edema is promoted, and repair is promoted. It can also relax tense and convulsed muscles, loosen adhesions, eliminate pain, and achieve “relaxation leads to relaxation, and relaxation leads to no pain”. New wounds should be light, and old wounds should be slightly severe. Don’t be rough.

Functional exercise is essential

In the early stage of tendon injury (within 1 to 2 weeks), for patients with serious qi and blood stasis and obvious swelling and pain, prescriptions for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, promoting qi and relieving pain can be used, such as Fuyuan Huoxue Decoction, Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction, etc. Topical anti-swelling and pain-relieving ointment.

In the mid-stage of muscle injury (3 to 6 weeks), the distending pain subsides initially, but the tightness of the tendons has not been completely eliminated. It is suitable for relaxing muscles and promoting blood circulation, harmonizing nutrition and relieving pain.

In the late stage of muscle injury (after 6 weeks) and chronic strain, due to the long-term injury, the consumption of qi and blood, liver and kidney deficiency, and often combined with the invasion of wind, cold and dampness, local pain and weakness, and dysfunction of activities, the symptoms will aggravate in rainy days, or Muscle atrophy, numbness. Treatment is suitable for nourishing blood and harmonizing collaterals, strengthening tendons and bones, expelling wind and relieving numbness. The side uses Dahuoluodan, Duhuo Jisheng Decoction, etc.

Functional exercise is an indispensable part of tendon injury treatment. In addition to general physical therapy, various Health Qigong exercises are also one of the important choices.

Written by Dr. Chen Guoqiang, a registered member of the Malaysian Federation of Chinese Physicians and Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Medical Federation)


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