Why should new energy vehicles choose special tires? On the “self-cultivation” of a new energy tire


With the arrival of 2023, looking back on the development of the new energy vehicle market in the past year, established car companies are dancing with new car manufacturers, and opportunities and risks coexist. It can be said that the key word is “volume”. BYD has even risen strongly by virtue of its core advantages of “three electrics”, and won the top spot in the global sales of new energy vehicles in 2022.

Regarding the development of new energy vehicles in 2023, many people think that the withdrawal of state subsidies will have a huge impact. However, with the debut of flagship products of major new energy vehicle brands, a large number of audiences are unanimously optimistic. It can be seen that the short-term impact of the policy slide is not great. Among them, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers predicts that the sales of new energy vehicles in China will reach 9 million in 2023. Based on the above, we have reasons to be cautiously optimistic.

  2023Years of new energy vehiclesof battery“roll”more than,More tires.

The “volume” of new energy vehicles in 2022 begins with batteries, such as BYD’s “three-electric” technology, and the new cars released by “Wei Xiaoli” also continue to pursue cruising range. The industry seems to have reached a consensus on “power up” and “long battery life”. In 2023, the roll of new energy vehicle batteries will continue, but in addition, special tires for new energy vehicles will also “roll” to new heights.

After all, tires are the only parts of the car that are in contact with the ground, and will directly affect the acceleration, braking, handling, energy consumption, etc. of the vehicle. Established tire manufacturers like Giti Tire have also launched a variety of special tires for new energy vehicles for new energy vehicles.

  Why should new energy vehicles choose special tires?

Different from traditional fuel vehicles, new energy vehicles have a heavier body, larger torque at the moment of starting, and obvious vehicle noise. Due to the uncertainty of the battery capacity of new energy vehicles, “mileage anxiety” has always shrouded new energy vehicle owners. In view of these characteristics, Jia Special tires for new energy vehicles came into being.

The special tires for new energy vehicles launched by Giti Tire, relying on the support of Giti’s AdvanZtech Lingyue technology platform, have improved the tire structure, tread rubber material, and tire pattern design, and have targeted solutions for new energy vehicles. Pain points. For example, Giti Driving Control P10, Giti Comfort 225V1 and Giti Comfort T29 series products.

Looking at China’s new energy market in 2022, Chinese companies have proved that achieving rapid development is no longer just a slogan. Therefore, we have reason to believe that in 2023, all new energy vehicle-related companies will continue to develop high-frequency products to provide consumers with a better driving experience!

Similarly, we have reason to believe that in 2023, the new energy vehicle tire market will also take the “special train” of the new energy vehicle market and ride the wind,New energy vehicles should choose special tires“It is also expected to become the consensus of consumers!


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