The Hubei Provincial Government joins hands with Qizhidao to build a technological innovation supply chain platform to promote the development of the digital economy


Today, as the wave of digitalization sweeps across the world, the deep integration of data intelligence and technological innovation is injecting strong new impetus into economic and social development. As a comprehensive resource search, matching, management and operation platform for Chinese science and technology innovation enterprises, Qizhizhi has recently reached a strategic cooperation with the Hubei Provincial Government to jointly build a scientific and technological innovation supply chain platform for Hubei.

On March 30, the two parties signed a cooperation agreement in Guangdong Province. Subsequently, Qizhidao and the Hubei Provincial Government will jointly build a technological innovation supply chain platform based on Qizhidao’s unique scientific and technological big data AI capabilities to help the Hubei Provincial Government accurately match innovation elements. Promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading.

Hubei Province, as a major economic and scientific and educational province in the country, has always been at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation and industrial development. However, in the process of attracting investment, how to accurately judge the value of a company’s core technology, estimate the development prospects of investment projects, and how to effectively strengthen key links in the local industrial chain have always been problems faced by relevant departments. By gathering and managing heterogeneous data from multiple sources, Qizhizhi forms a knowledge map that integrates global industrial chains and scientific innovation elements, providing the Hubei Provincial Government with powerful intelligent analysis capabilities. With the help of enterprise knowledge data intelligence capabilities, government departments can effectively grasp the distribution of enterprises, scientific and technological innovation capabilities, and upstream and downstream correlations in key industries locally and in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, providing information for precise investment promotion, industry chain replenishment, chain strengthening, and chain extension. provided strong support.

Qizhi will also further integrate into Hubei’s “use”-oriented scientific and technological innovation system to provide enterprises with all-round innovation support. Qizhi·Science and Technology Innovation Space, as a leading big data science and technology innovation management platform, provides enterprises with innovative all-factor resource matching solutions and in-depth value-added services based on the “AI+exclusive science and technology innovation steward” model to help enterprises with technological innovation and industrial upgrading.

In the future, Qizhi will continue to give full play to the advantages of data intelligence, actively implement the “artificial intelligence +” action, promote cooperation with all parties to a deeper and higher level, and make greater contributions to accelerating the development of new productive forces and promoting high-quality economic and social development. contribute.


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