Mango New Variety Show Completes Divorced Young Man Meets Heartbeat Again


Mango’s new love drama “Heartbeat Again” once again breaks the rules and invites eight young men and women who have been “emotionally injured” to stay in the Heartbeat House, allowing the observation team and the audience to observe the chemical reactions between them. After two months of follow-up, “Heartbeat Again” comes to an end. The tenth episode will be launched on Jiangxi Satellite TV at 22:00 on April 6 and Mango TV on April 7 at 12:00. Three couples who have successfully spent their trial love life together will choose to turn around and leave the cabin hand in hand? Or give up on this relationship? Let’s watch the main film to reveal the answer.

  The guests brought their own topical attributes, and the cabin exploded with emotions.

Dong Xuan sat in the observation room to record a love variety show for the first time after her divorce. After a marriage, Dong Xuan became more emotionally mature, had something to say about the relationship between men and women, and frequently said love quotes. “A failed marriage is not terrible. What is terrible is losing the courage to love.” Marriage is just a small part of life. Trial and error are not terrible. What is terrible is losing the courage to try again. In the program, Dong Xuan recounted her experience of being matched for a blind date in the circle, saying that she was not averse to this kind of behavior and was happy to accept it. She was also willing to get to know the person she was dating better. She openly stated her criteria for choosing a spouse, letting the audience feel her expectations for a new relationship in the future.

With the finale of “Goodbye Lover 3”, Wang Sleepy also brought an end to his relationship. She said, “Finally I found the key to the door and walked out of this locked small room.” She no longer waited where she was, and turned into “Wang Xingxing” to record “Heartbeat Again” and watched her in the observation room. Their heartwarming stories. She said, “What binds me is not past experiences, but my own heart.” She also looks forward to people around her introducing male guests to her. This time, she is no longer bound by the past or her heart, and bravely sets out towards the future.

  The program creates a new way of playing, and the trial love life has begun

The eighth episode of the program allows the guests in the cabin to make a decision in advance, whether to join hands to enter the trial love life or leave the heartbeat cabin alone. Zhou Anqin, Luo Tianxing, Gan Yuanyuan, You Liang, Dai He, and Guan Yadi chose to start the trial love stage, while Han Shuo and Ding Renli chose to end the journey. Luo Tianxing, who started his trial love life, prepared a lot of surprises for Zhou Anqin. He played the piano and went on a date with fireworks, which left An An with beautiful memories and made her feel that she deserves to be loved. Gan Yuanyuan and You Liang are not used to the trial love life of just the two of them, and the awkward atmosphere of taking couple photos permeates the place. Daihe and Guan Yadi became the most promising couple of the observation group. The two cuddled up to watch the sunset, and Daiga performed a “mermaid” performance for Guan Yadi.

The tenth episode of the show is about to usher in the final decision, and the three pairs of CPs face real problems. The three issues of long distance, marriage and children were placed in front of Luo Tianxing and Zhou Anqin. Zhou Anqin remained silent while Luo Tianxing escaped. Age and distance have become obstacles for Gan Yuanyuan and You Liang. Differences in outlook, interests, and preferences gradually emerged. The two quarreled frequently, and the conflicts continued to escalate. The communication problems between Guan Yadi and Daihe are gradually revealed. Do they care and indulge, or do they not care? Faced with this, how will they choose at the deadline? Jiangxi Satellite TV at 22:00 on April 6 and Mango TV at 12:00 on April 7 will announce their choices.


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